Chapter 10

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*** Janja's POV ***

It has been a couple of days since Mzingo and his vultures got away with a galago. We haven't attacked the Pride Lands since then. I felt betrayed when I unknowingly helped the vultures get away with prey while leaving us hyenas with nothing. But oh boy, was I bored.

It was true what Mzingo said. The Lion Guard is easier to handle when they're divided. But it frustrated me that we weren't able to handle them last time. Now, however, I'm willing to take the changes, even if it means the vultures will get prey too. Because I believe we can handle two Guard members. We're hyenas after all!

I went to my clan, who were apparently taking a nap.

"Cheezi, Chungu! Wake up!" I said.

"No, I want the corpse!" Cheezi said while still sleeping and snoring.

I gave Cheezi a bump on his head to wake him up. It worked.

"Ouch. Hey, I was dreaming about food!" he whined.

Chungu also started waking up. "Oh, me too! We should dream about food together!"

"No!" I yelled. "What are we doing? I mean, look at us! All we do now is lay around hoping to find some leftovers. We're hyenas! We should take whatever we want from the Pride Lands, because that is the hyena way!"

"But Janja, didn't you say we shouldn't attack the Pride Lands anymore?" Chungu noted.

"I know what I said! But it's time for a change. So come on, fellas! Let's get some prey!"


As we made our way into the Pride Lands, we were crouching in the tall grass to the antelope herd. But as we went closer, I noticed a familiar white bird on my right, hanging in the air. As soon as we made eye contact, Ono immediately flew away. He's probably going to the rest of his Guard.

I grunted. "We have to attack, now!" I said to my members, not wanting to lose any time.

We ran towards the antelopes, who now have started a stampede. But as we got closer to the herd, we were already stopped by the Lion Guard. They stood right in our way, forcing us to stop. All except Fuli, who was calming down the herd.

I immediately noticed the king. "Simba? What are you doing here?" I asked.

Simba let out a strong, loud roar and stepped closer to me until he was a few inches away.

I gulped and lowered my ears as he came closer. He was huge compared to me, and it made me realize how he could easily take down us hyenas.

"Shouldn't you stick with your clan?" he eventually asked while smirking.

"Huh?" I looked behind me and saw Cheezi and Chungu already fleeing back to the Outlands. "Hehe. Gotta go, see ya!" I said nervously, before following my members. "Hey, wait for me!"

I eventually caught up with them. Together, we kept running towards the Outlands. With Kion, we'd normally get blown away, but there was something about Simba that made us easily retreat.

When we arrived at the border, we stopped as we noticed three vultures entering the Pride Lands. It was Mzingo and two of his followers. I watched them as they went towards a certain place, probably to catch some prey. An evil grin appeared on my muzzle.

"Okay boys, now that the vultures are going to distract the Lion Guard, this is our chance to hunt some food. Let's go, fellas!" I said and then we made our way to the zebra herd.


*** Simba's POV ***

All day. It took us all day to get the Outlanders out of the Pride Lands. The vultures and hyenas kept coming back, often at the same time. The Lion Guard had to split up multiple times, without much success. Mzingo got away again, this time with a hyrax. No matter how fierce I try to be, apparently I'm not scared enough to prevent the Outlanders from coming here. And now the Pride Lands are more in danger than ever.

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