Chapter 16

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*** Kion's POV ***

I was lost in my thoughts when I heard more footsteps coming my way. I didn't want to talk more about what happened, but it looks like I didn't have any choice.

I turned to see who was approaching me, and noticed it was Rafiki. I mentally grunted. Another therapy session? Right now?

"Young lion, you don't look too good." he spoke.

I didn't reply. I wasn't exactly happy to see him right now, let alone talk to him.

He sat down next to me. "I can see you're hurt. I would be too, if I were in your place."

"But you're not." I replied. I immediately corrected myself. "Sorry Rafiki, it's just, I don't feel like talking right now." I said as I sat up straight.

He nodded. "I understand, young Kion. Talking about what happened can lead to lots of emotions, both positive and negative. But it's an important step for your healing process."

"I highly doubt I will ever get better. I've been struggling with my emotions and thoughts for so long. And talking about it doesn't work."

"The first step to get better, is to accept what happened. But you can only accept, when you remember what happened."

"I tried to remember, but I can't. Besides, I don't even think I can remember anything right now. Not after what I did earlier..." I replied, looking at the ground with my ears down. My thoughts were still full with me failing the Lion Guard and the zebras. I doubt there is any room left for memories about the day of the accident.

Then, I felt Rafiki's hand on my shoulder. I faced his gaze once more. "It is when we hit our lowest point, we are open to the greatest change."* he said before smiling. "Let me help you to remember."

(* Note: this quote is taken from Avatar: The Legend of Korra.)

The mandrill then stood up. I also stood up, wondering what he was planning to do. Rafiki pointed towards the gorge with his staff. "I suggest we slowly walk towards the gorge to help to gain your memory."

I hesitated. "I... I'm not sure if I can."

"You're not alone, Kion. I'll be here right by your side."

This is it then, huh? We're going to the gorge to fully reflect on the day of the accident. Even though I was very scared, I wanted to be fully healed from my problems. And if this was the way to do it, then I'm open to at least try.

I took a deep breath. "I'm ready."


I got really scared once I saw the gorge again, but I had the courage to keep going. Both Rafiki and I stopped walking now that the gorge was mostly fully in sight.

"Now, where were Kiara and you playing, on that day?" the mandrill asked.

I looked around the gorge and found the place Kiara and I were. "There." I replied, walking towards a hill.

When we got there, we stood still once again. It feels so weird to be at this place again. A part of me wants to run away again, but I managed to put myself together and continue this.

"Now, close your eyes and sit down." Rafiki said.

I did what I was told.

"What do you see?"

I started to think about the day of the accident. And being here helped me a lot to remember it correctly.

*** Flashback ***

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