Chapter 14

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*** Kion's POV ***

How could I have been so rude to her? Kiara's the only one who actually helps me when I feel down! I still can't comprehend why I've been such a jerk to her. One thing's for sure: I need to make it up with her.

It was still night. It's way easier to look at the sun to tell the different directions. I don't know what direction to go by just looking at the stars. Maybe my sister didn't know either.

I decided to go to the entrance of the main den and look for Kiara's scent. Maybe I could track her! I made my way over there and sniffed the area. It wasn't long before I found her scent. I followed it almost through the whole Majani Pride. Luckily the scent kept going stronger, so I must have gotten closer to her.

After a while, I noticed the forest Kiara and I went earlier today. I smiled, but got scared at the same time. What do I say to her? She must hate me after what I told her... Still, I need to make it up with her, whatever it takes.

I walked into the forest and soon found Kiara. She sat nearby a cluster of gazania flowers and even had one flower between her paw toes, playing with it and paying close attention to it.

"Kiara...?" I carefully said.

Kiara didn't respond and instead kept paying attention to the flowers.

I took a deep breath as I sat down. "Kiara, I'm so sorry about earlier. I don't know what's gotten into me. You're the only one who's always there for me when I need it. You didn't deserve to get treated that way. Can you please forgive me?"

My sister kept quiet for a bit, but then stood up and faced me. "Kion, as annoying as you are, I'll always forgive you." she said, rolling her eyes before smiling at me. "Forever together, remember? Just, don't push me away again like that, okay?"

I nodded. "I promise. It won't happen again."

"Thanks, Kion."

"Now, what do you say we head back to the Pride Lands?"

Kiara raised her eyebrow. "Are you for real?"

"Yes! You were right. I do need help, and I need it from our family. I can't get through the accident on my own, or by pushing everyone around me away."

"It's about time you realized!"

I chuckled. "Well, if it worked for you, then why shouldn't it work for me?"

My sister smiled. "I'm glad you finally said this."

"Me too. So, are you ready to go?"

"Don't you want to say goodbye to the pride?"

"I already told Duma I'm going back with you."

"Then I'm ready!" my sister finished before heading somewhere.

"Wait, do you know where to go from here?"

"Yep! Just follow my lead, little bro!"


Kiara and I kept walking towards the Pride Lands. It would take us probably the whole night to get there, but we were determined to get there as fast as we could.

We took some breaks every now and then to gain up energy before continuing our journey back to the Pride Lands. During our trip, Kiara and I actually had some fun. I was finally more at ease and even played tag and wrestle with her. We haven't done this in so long. I really missed hanging out with my sister like this.

Even though it wasn't my best decision to leave my home, somehow it brought Kiara and me more together. She was willing to run away with me, just to keep an eye on me. Who in the world would do that? It made me realize even more how lucky I am to have a sister like her. I appreciated her, and promised myself to always be there for her as well.

Kion and Kiara: Forever TogetherWhere stories live. Discover now