The Alphabet of You

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(A/N: This is a drabble I came up with. Not found in the comments, but whatever. I decided that you peeps wanted some more Percabeth, and I came up with this! Thank God the writer's block didn't last long! XD. The Italics is Percy's handwriting, by the way.)

It was a long day after work and Annabeth was absolutely exhausted from both work and training in Camp Jupiter. 

It's not like she didn't love attending college there, it was just a lot of work...and Annabeth wasn't getting enough sleep, due to the nightmares about Tartarus. She saw Percy sit down next her on the bed and the bed sagged a little beneath both of their weights. 

"Hey, Percy." Annabeth said to her boyfriend.

"Hey Annabeth." Percy said. Annabeth looked at Percy. He wasn't looking too good, due to the lack of sleep, but he still flashed Annabeth a lopsided grin that made her heart flutter. Annabeth examined Percy. He was staring at his shoes and he was fiddling the hem of his shirt. These were signs that Percy wanted to tell her something, but she didn't know what that something was.


"Yes, Percy?" 

"How are you feeling?" 

"Not so good. Why?" Percy reached for his back pocket and he took out a folded piece of paper. 

"What's that?" Annabeth asked. Percy handed it to her, answering, "Read the title." 

Annabeth arched her brow, took the piece of paper, unfolded it, and read aloud. "'The Alphabet of You'." She gave a questioning look to her boyfriend and Percy gestures for her to continue reading. 

The Alphabet of You:

A is for Athena because you're a Daughter of Athena.

B is for Beautiful because that's just what you are.

C is for Caring because when someone you love and respect is down, you are concerned for them.

D is for Diamond because you're a diamond in the rough.

E is for Effortless because whatever you do, it seems effortless.

F is for Flawless because you're perfect in every way.

G is for Graceful because that's how I would describe you in a fight.

H is for Happy because you're the most happy being yourself.

I is for Intelligent because you're the smartest person I know!

J is for Jazzy because you're bright and lively in your own little way.

K is for Kooky because you're crazy, in a good way.

L is for Light because you're the light in my life. 

M is for Maturity because you show it the most.

N is for Nicknames because you call me "Seaweed Brain" and I call you "Wise Girl".

O is for Over The Top because you're over the top beautiful.

P is for Playful because in the latest years, you've become rather playful.

Q is for Queen because if I was king, you would be my queen.

R is for Resourceful because you use the materials around you to your advantage.

S is for Straightforawrd because you get straight to the point if something is bothering you.

T is for Tactful because you plan out your every move.

U is for Ultimate because you're ultimate in my life.  

V is for Voluptous because in my opinion, you're one attractive young woman.

W is for Wisdom because you show me valuable insight. 

X is for XOXO because with every hug, there is also a kiss, but only for me!

Y is for Youthful because you will always remain young, no matter what age you are.

Z is for ZZZ because when you fall asleep first, I get to hear you snore softly and I get to hold you close when you wake up from nightmares.

Annabeth was blushing horribly by the time she finished reading Percy's thoughts, but she had a smile on her face because all of Percy's words were adorable and every one of them showed no lies. She looked at Percy. Annabeth kissed him on the cheek.

"Thank you, that was very sweet." Annabeth said, hugging him. And with that hug, as the alphabet said, Annabeth and Percy shared a kiss, loving and just as beautiful as their own romance.

(A/N: AAAWWWW! WASN'T THAT ADORABLE? Then again, Percabeth is adorable, so everything they do is adorable. Vote if you liked. Comments and critisicism is welcome. More votes=more chapters!)

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