Chapter 5

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"I'm sure I don't know what you're talking about" you turned to look at him innocently, but nothing could've prepared you for the absolutely filthy look he was giving you

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"I'm sure I don't know what you're talking about" you turned to look at him innocently, but nothing could've prepared you for the absolutely filthy look he was giving you.

"Hm" he scoffed "No need for that, Y/N. We've already established you're a liar." He approached you menacingly, arms behind his back and you couldn't help but back off until you were plastered against the hallway wall and his tall frame was hovering over you.

"How- how am I a liar?" you stammered. You just couldn't help it.

"You promised you'd be here when I woke up" he raised his eyebrows, a serene look on his face as if stating a fact

"And I was" you deadpanned "You were just having your afternoon siesta. And if anything, between the two of us, you're the liar!"

A smirk was tugging at the corner of his lips even though he was still frowning at you "Is that so?"

You shoved your arm into your oversized handbag without breaking eye contact with him, scavenging for the soft lace. You finally pulled the panties out, holding them eye level between the two of you "These, dear sir, are not yours"

He didn't even look at them, not wanting to break eye contact with you either. He just bit his lower lip in addition to crossing his arms over his chest now, his smirk deepening.

You raised your eyebrows, mimicking his earlier expression, waiting for his retort but he then made a sudden move and effectively grabbed the panties away from you. You scoffed in disbelief watching him slowly place them in his backpocket, your mouth agape

"Which leads us to another lie you told. Kindly remind me how that mawkish little story of yours went... all about how you forgot your panties in my en suite"

He even airquoted. How very hip of you, Mr. Styles. Also, you made a mental note of googling "mawkish" later on, but you were pretty sure it wasn't anything too flattering.

You squinted your eyes at him "What are you implying?"

"Oh, I'm not implying. I'm stating a fact"

"Which is...?" you asked, impatiently

"That you left them there intentionally, of course" his smirk was on full display now, he was quite pleased with himself, the cocky bastard. The nerve!

You stared at him in disbelief "I can't tell whether you're pulling my leg right now, to be frank" you decided to tell it how it was. Because, for all you knew, he could've been just messing with you this whole time. And the last thing you wanted was to make a fool of yourself. Again.

There was a silent moment that seemed to go on forever, but in reality it was just a few seconds of intense staring. "Want me to make it clear for you?" he asked in a low voice, his eyes finally breaking eye contact only to land on your lips, and suddenly they felt foreign on your own face. The way he was looking at them made you feel lightheaded, and you always used to think that that was just a cheap exaggeration. Not anymore.

Daddy issues // Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now