Spanking for good measure (extra)

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*can be read as stand-alone

*this was originally posted separately but i decided to merge all the extras to the main story so it's all easier to navigate

*timeline: somewhere after the main story


Harry peeked his head through the window giving you a stern look when you felt his eyes on you and looked up at him. "Haven't you been there the whole afternoon?"

You sat back on your heels and brushed the hair out of your face with the back of your gloved hand. "Yeah. I suppose I must have."

He pulled back the window curtain and you resumed your work tending to your new garden. You were determined to have this be a success although you knew little to nothing about gardening, but you were a quick learner. It was a passion project of yours that you'd gotten into very randomly, but you spent hours doing diligent research so you were fairly confident it would turn out fine. Hopefully.

You heard Harry head your way so you turned slightly to watch him approach you with a tall glass of what appeared to be lemonade. You realised you hadn't had a sip of water in literal hours and suddenly were feeling quite parched so when he handed it to you, you grabbed it with both hands and started gulping it down. "Whoa. Slow down, darling; it's really cold, and you're really hot. Wouldn't want you coming down with laryngitis."

You looked up at him, he was standing tall over you with his hands at his hips, obstructing the sun and providing shade, although the sun had started going down and wasn't burning as harshly anymore. "That's not how you get laryngitis."

He exhaled audibly through his nose. "Ok, smarty pants. Come on, up you get," his words were lighthearted but his tone wasn't. He seemed quite annoyed with you, actually.

"I'm not done yet," you said after finishing off the glass and handing it back to him. He took your glass and held his other hand outstretched for you.

"You've been sitting here all day in the sun, no water, no shade, not even a cap on your head. Have you even thought of putting on SPF?"

"I... well, I didn't realise I'd--"

He wiggled his fingers impatiently, "Yeah. I thought so. Let's go. The garden isn't going anywhere, It'll still be here tomorrow."

You furrowed your brows and reluctantly took his hand and he pulled you up like you weighed nothing, making you squeal. You lost your footing though, feeling quite lightheaded and he pressed you to his side protectively. "I guess I... I might have overdone it a bit."

He slowly walked you to the house, his voice going softer. "Should've checked on you sooner. Got caught up with work in my office and didn't realise you'd stayed out there the whole day. What were you thinking, sweetheart? Hm? Come on let's get you on the sofa, I'll make us dinner."

"Not really hungry," you whined. "Feeling kinda nauseous actually."

"You better not get sun poisoning or so help me god, Y/N..." his voice was back to being irritated. "Honestly... you should know better," he had you sit on the sofa, placed the glass on the coffee table and helped you stretch out, sitting on the edge next to you and checking your forehead for signs of a fever.

"Sorry, daddy," you pouted. "Was excited and lost track of time... "

"You're like a child sometimes, I swear," he huffed. "Bratty little thing," he added, a slight smirk tugging at the corner of his lips.

You smiled at him and tried stretching a bit, trying to get more comfortable, groaning at how your muscles ached. "Ugh, I certainly don't feel like a child. Feel like a bed ridden grandma, I'm sore all over."

"Serves you right," he smushed your cheeks together between his thumb and the rest of his fingers and pecked your pout. "I'm cooking dinner and you're gonna eat, like a good girl. And then, if you finish your plate I'll run a bath for us and massage your back. How's that sound?"

You smiled, making him loosen his grip on your cheeks. "Sounds like I might be in love with you"

"Hmph. Maybe a little spanking too for good measure then."


A/N: (based on a tumblr prompt) got carried away 👀 also, sorry(not sorry) for the false advertising in the title mehehehe

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