In which you've got textbook daddy issues and when your tool of a younger brother brings a sweet doe eyed girlfriend home for Thanksgiving and you end up offering her a ride home, you meet just the man to fix them.
Warning: smut, daddy kink, age gap...
You thought it was because his friends' newborn baby had been quite fussy while you were out for lunch, and maybe it'd irritated him. He'd wanted you to meet them and so you arranged to meet at this quaint little café, sitting out at the terrace, but his poor friends had to take turns trying to pacify the baby the whole time, even left briefly taking turns walking around with him for a while only to have him start crying the minute they put him back down in his pram.
At one point, they'd even joked saying maybe you should try holding him just to try out your luck, and although you'd been reluctant to do so, having had no experience with babies ever since your brother, what with your significant age gap, when you took the baby in your arms it stopped crying for some inexplicable reason.
Harry even helped you hold him properly, positioned the baby so that you were supporting his head while you held him to your chest and then he just... went silent for the rest of the lunch date.
You hadn't even really noticed it, because now that the baby was content napping in your arms, and his parents could finally grab a bite to eat and talk to Harry (or at Harry, considering his silence), you couldn't find it in yourself to try and put him back in the pram. And if you were being honest, it felt quite nice. He was warm and chubby and he smelled like newborn baby, and as long as he didn't drool or, worse, throw up on you, you found you quite enjoyed holding him.
At one point he eventually opened his eyes and you thought he was going to start crying again but you just smiled at him and he seemed to like it. He reached out for a strand of your hair and you gently unclasped his little fist from it, because you knew he'd eventually start yanking it, you'd seen him doing it to his mother, but as soon as he let go of your hair he grabbed onto your index finger and you were surprised at the force he had when he squeezed it.
He eventually lost interest in that too, and his eyes landed on something much more appealing to him. He let go of your finger, and you were thankful for it- it was already tingling, the blood flow slowly recovering- but then when you felt his clammy little hand yank at your cleavage you gasped as he pulled it down far enough to expose your lacey bra.
His mom immediately ran to your aid, and everyone made light of the situation joking that he'd seen your cleavage and remembered it was supper time- everyone but Harry, that is, who just sat and looked at you funny.