Chapter 25

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Keeping your gaze locked to his, you let go of the keychain, letting it slip from both your hands and having them come together in result

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Keeping your gaze locked to his, you let go of the keychain, letting it slip from both your hands and having them come together in result. Harry swallowed thickly, a crease in his brows as he was straining to keep his composure. You could see his eyes glaze over instantaneously, your own vision going blurry.

You squeezed his hand gently, as if to assure yourself that he was really there, that this was really happening and in response, he tugged on your hand enough for you to be standing chest to chest, staring deeply into each other's eyes. Tears were threatening to spill from his eyes, but yours were quicker to give way. You could feel one fall, then another, and Harry furrowed his brows even further watching them make their way slowly towards the corners of your mouth.

He carefully brought his other hand to the side of your face, and ever so gently thumbed at the tear rolling down your left cheek, catching it just before it made it to its destination, the swipe of his thumb at the corner of your mouth causing you lips to part slightly. He kept his eyes on your mouth, his damp thumb caressing the apple of your cheek before making its way back to your lower lip, brushing his pad against the soft flesh and tugging at it downwards a bit more, forcing you to close your eyes, and effectively spilling more tears over your cheeks.

When you blinked your wet lashes open, his own tears had finally given way as well and his eyes were back on yours. His hand ghosted over your jawline and down the side of your neck, his knuckles barely touching your skin and leaving goosebumps in their wake. He splayed his fingers over your clavicles, and finally slightly downwards, just overtop of your rapidly beating heart, pressing his palm steadily over your skin.

You squeezed his hand you were still holding tightly even harder, and he tenderly rubbed his palm against your neckline before ever so gently allowing his fingers to close around your neck, his large hand almost encompassing it completely. He didn't apply any bit of pressure, he just held his hand there around your throat, staring at you intensely while both of you were silently crying still.

You were panting heavily by now, even though he wasn't constricting your airflow in the slightest, but the intensity of the moment was almost unbearable. You began to feel yourself tremble slightly and you had to close your eyes to try and compose yourself a bit. Harry then pressed his fingers into your pressure points faintly making you gasp and immediately open your eyes back up to meet his.

"Want to feel your heartbeat" his low, husky voice broke the silence, his face contorting as if in pain "...How can your heart be beating when you're dead?"

You gasped confusedly, your voice coming out hoarse "...Harry?"

He shook his head "I mourned you like you were dead. Felt like you'd died. Was the only way I could make sense of what I was feeling. Of the way life had... ripped you away from me like that" he flared his nostrils, shuddering and closing his eyes tightly, tears spilling from between his long lashes, and his hand closing in a bit tighter around your throat.

Daddy issues // Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now