In which you've got textbook daddy issues and when your tool of a younger brother brings a sweet doe eyed girlfriend home for Thanksgiving and you end up offering her a ride home, you meet just the man to fix them.
Warning: smut, daddy kink, age gap...
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You woke up with a gasp. You were confused as to what was happening as your eyes tried adjusting to the dark room, but when you heard Harry hum against your neck it all came back to you.
You were in his bed. In his arms. In a relationship, officially, with this man.
The very thought caused you to grin ear to ear and well, maybe what he was doing was playing a part in it also. His large, warm hand was groping your left breast gently as he spooned you under the covers, neither of you having bothered putting clothes back on. In fact, you couldn't even remember how you'd fallen asleep. What time was it, anyway? It was still dark "You should know,..." your breath caught a bit as he dragged his wet lips up and down your throat before lapping at that perfect spot in the crook of your neck "I'm really not a morning person"
"It's not morning" he mumbled between kisses "It's the middle of the night"
You giggled silently at his wise ass remark "And why are you waking me up in the middle of the night, Harry?"
"Because I can" he bit your earlobe, his tone changing slightly. "Because now whenever I wake up hard and wanting, thinking about you, I can actually have you. And I'll have you again. And you'll take it, like a good girl that you are, aren't you baby sweetheart?"
"Fuck" you hissed under your breath as he pressed himself against your ass and you could feel just how hard it was, that coupled with the tone of his voice immediately got you wet "Where's all this stamina coming from? You're wiping the floor with guys my age" you couldn't help but tell him that. You knew it'd stroke his ego, but it was true. None of the men you'd been with, all of which were considerably younger, were even close to his sexual drive.
"You're with a real man now, sweetheart" he groaned groping your ass harshly "You'll find I'm quite insatiable, especially when it comes to you" he raised your left leg, resting it over his knee as he positioned himself just right behind you and guided himself through your folds "So perfect for me, my good girl. Look how ready you are for daddy already. Doesn't take much to get you going, does it? Always needing to be filled up nice and snug, aren't you?"
"Oh my fucking God" you threw your head back getting even closer to him and he snaked his hand up your torso and around your throat, squeezing slightly as he used you as leverage while he pushed himself into you. It still wasn't a fluid motion, and you didn't think it'll ever be, but that moment when he pushed past your barriers and got the thickest part of himself inside you made your breath catch and not because of his hand around your neck. He wasn't choking you, but the possessiveness of the act was doing unspeakable things to you "You're so big" you whined "I never think you're gonna fit, but then you do and oh, fuck" you were rambling and you could hear the silent chuckle deep in his chest
"How can I sleep when I could be fucking you instead?" he pushed further in "When you're right here, in my arms, in my bed, finally. Woke up and for a split second I forgot that you're all mine now, princess. The rush I felt when I remembered went straight to my cock" he moaned when you pushed back onto him, helping him set a steady pace. Not too fast, not too slow but definitely intense "If it were up to me, I'd never let you leave this bed. Want to fuck you all day long tomorrow. And the next day. You're not going anywhere this weekend. Gonna bury myself deep inside of you whenever I see fit. Don't want you wearing anything around the house but this t-shirt that's barely covering that perfect arse of yours. Want you smelling like sex, like us" he nuzzled your neck again as he sped up a little, his hand leaving your throat and grabbing your breast, tweaking your bud with his thumb