Chapter 9

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It was one of those days when you wished you had opted to work from home

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It was one of those days when you wished you had opted to work from home. But as it were, you did go in, and you were now sat at your boring little cubicle counting down the minutes till you could go home in excruciating agony.

It had started as any regular day. It was a Friday, though, so that automatically made the prospect of getting out of your comfy, warm bed a little more bearable, overall. You woke up, reluctantly dragged yourself out of bed, and went through your morning routine on autopilot. You were definitely not a morning person.

You skipped breakfast, you only had a bite to eat on the odd days that you were feeling more energetic, this however was not one of those days. Any days that were not sunny and warm and didn't start with birds chirping on your windowsill as if in a fucking Disney movie were not one of those days. You hated winters. With a passion.

And then there was the teeny tiny aspect of having to go do something you weren't passionate about. You didn't hate your job, it was bearable. Working in IT, there was always a new thing to tackle, it was definitely never boring, at least not to you; you enjoyed a challenge. That being said, though, you didn't love it either and you did feel like you definitely could've done something a lot more creative with your career, but as it were, you were relatively content with what you were doing considering the shitty uni your parents had forced you to pick since they were the ones paying for it. Of course your brother got to do what he wanted, got to move to a different state for uni, got to have an actual say in what he was doing with his life, but that was a different matter, what was done was done and you were over being spiteful over it. Lord knows you had plenty of other reasons to be mad at all of them for.

Up until noon-ish, everything was as uneventful as usual. You were contemplating what to get for lunch, but you still had a task you wanted to clear before you headed out.

"Hey. You done?" Lindsay, one of your coworkers you were closer to popped her head in

"Gotta get this done. You go on without me, I'm not sure how long it's gonna be"

"Want me to bring you back something to go?"

"Nah, I'll grab something later"

She nodded and left and you sighed. Another thing that irked you about your work was the fact that you had to socialize on the days that you didn't feel like it. Which counted for the majority of them. You'd worked from home more than had been healthy just to steer clear from it when you were at your lowest, mental health wise, and if you were being honest you still had to talk yourself out of picking up on that habit again. You knew it was best to get out of the house, dress up, take some fresh air, socialize, but you really struggled to convince yourself of it most days. Lindsay was perfectly nice, and it seldom had anything to do with the people rather than yourself. You were the problem, not them.

You were just about to crack a code you'd been working on- you could feel it, it was a matter of a few more code lines. You were so concentrated you almost didn't hear the chime on your phone. You wanted to ignore it, but Harry hadn't texted you that day up until then and you had a feeling it was him. So you just had to check your phone.

Daddy issues // Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now