In which you've got textbook daddy issues and when your tool of a younger brother brings a sweet doe eyed girlfriend home for Thanksgiving and you end up offering her a ride home, you meet just the man to fix them.
Warning: smut, daddy kink, age gap...
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"You changed your hair"
You hummed, nodding. You didn't think he'd notice. You hardly ever noticed it anymore. It used to really startle you whenever you (accidentally) looked into the mirror. For months, you didn't recognize yourself. Not that now you did.
"Yeah" you cleared your throat "Can we... cut to the chase?"
"Yer attitude hasn't really changed, though" he beamed "Listen... gotta be real honest with ya. Didn't think you'd agree to this. Lord knows I searched high and low for you. I wouldn't be asking, if it weren't important"
"...That's cutting to the chase?"
He smirked looking at you from under his lashes "Ok, sorry. I just know you're gonna get up and leave. Trying to build my case here"
"Save that for when you're in court"
"Fair enough" he nodded, biting his lower lip "I'm here to ask you to take the stand. As a witness"
"No. Out of the question" you shook your head vehemently
"It's miss L/N, and the answer is no"
Niall leaned over the small diner table, hunching his back to bring himself in as close as possible "Look. I'm not an idiot. Hell, I've been there, alright? I've seen Harry after you– vanished!"
You pushed your back flush against the booth's backrest, shutting your eyes tightly. No. You couldn't do this. But then Niall grabbed your hand, a gentle yet firm grip, and that made you open your eyes back, taking in his pained expression. This might have been the first time you'd seen him like this. Seemingly nothing was too serious for Niall Horan, he looked as if he took everything in stride, always a cheeky grin on his face. It infuriated you. But seeing him look this serious was giving you pause
"Don't go. Please. Hear me out. It's been 2 years, Y/N..."
"17 months."
"... Well, it's been an eternity for Harry. You don't understand. He's... he shut down. Ok? I didn't want to do this, but you leave me no choice. I don't want to emotionally blackmail you into showing up, but if this trial goes wrong... I'm really scared for him. Alright? He's not just my client, he's my friend first and foremost. I already let him down, this case has been ongoing for far too long. I can't lose it. I can't. Do you understand what I'm saying?"
You were staring into space, taking in all that he was saying.
It'd been 17 months since you'd last seen Harry. Nobody had so much as uttered his name to you ever since. And now, all of a sudden, Niall was here. Talking to you about him. Someone you'd tried with all your will to forget. To pretend like he never existed.
It should have been easy enough. Moving to another state, changing your job- waitressing, making sure you had no social media presence, changing up your appearance. You were like a needle in a haystack. Impossible to track.