Chapter 19

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You groaned and tried to sink your face further into your pillow, but Harry was having none of it, kissing your shoulder and prying the thin blanket off of you

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You groaned and tried to sink your face further into your pillow, but Harry was having none of it, kissing your shoulder and prying the thin blanket off of you. He still thought you were mental for sleeping swaddled up even when it was obviously not cold in freaking California, but you told him you can't sleep without anything to weigh you down, no matter how hot it got.

To which he'd cheekily offered to be the one to weigh you down and make it extra hot for you.

But he was happy about your quirkiness when he realised it only meant you slept naked under the covers.

Which is why you particularly objected to him peeling the blanket off of you "Harry! Do you mind!?"

"Yes I do mind, actually" he slapped your bare ass playfully but still groaned at the sight of your flesh jiggling from the impact "Get your arse out of bed, and stop being a brat every morning when I try to wake you up at a decent hour!"

"Just let me sleep!" you scoffed irritatedly, not removing your face from your pillow "I'm not a morning person, Harry. Get that into your pretty little head and leave me be. I don't have a fixed work schedule, what's your problem!?" you couldn't hide the tone in your voice. It'd been cute once or twice, but he'd gotten into the habit of waking you up when you slept in past the shocking hour of 10am, or so he'd put it.

"That does it" you heard him mutter under his breath and before you could protest he sat on the edge of the bed and yanked your ankles so that your tummy straddled his thighs. And then he spanked you, and this time, it hurt.

"Ow!!" you cried in shock, trying to hoist yourself on your elbows and look back at him but he beat you to it, grabbing your hair and twisting it around his wrist and yanking it, bending you backwards to face him forcefully

"What's the matter sweetheart? Thought you enjoyed being a brat! Own up to it, then!" he spanked you again, in the exact same spot, not letting go of your hair either and you cried out pathetically, then tried to push back on your knees to wriggle your way out of his hold but there was no escaping him "Cat caught your tongue?"

"Fuck you!" you spat and he merely chuckled before he slapped both asscheeks in quick succession, even harder this time, and even though he rubbed his palm over the tender flesh immediately to soothe the burn, you felt your eyes water

"Why do you like to taunt daddy like this, hm? Been too easy on you, got you thinking you could get away with being such a fucking brat" he let go of your hair suddenly, making you fall onto your front clumsily and you didn't get to defend yourself before he was delivering slap, after slap, after slap and the more you wiggled and tried to escape him, the harder the blow. You were on the verge of crying in earnest when he spread your cheeks apart and then you could feel his saliva run down your folds. He then sunk two fingers into your pussy without preamble, pumping them furiously. To your shame, he hadn't needed the extra lubricant, you were dripping already. You couldn't hold back a long mewl and Harry made sure to angle his fingers just right, finding your g-spot right away. He knew you like the back of his hand.

Daddy issues // Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now