Intimate (extra)

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*can be read as stand-alone

*this was originally posted separately but i decided to merge all the extras to the main story so it's all easier to navigate

*timeline: somewhere within the main story


"Shhhh! Stop that!"


"Stop smiling, I'm gonna nick you!"

Harry threw his head back, laughing. "How is shushing me meant to keep me from smiling? You silly girl..." he dipped his head back towards yours and you pulled away just before he got shaving cream all over you, which was obviously his plan.

You were sat on the bathroom counter and he stood between your legs, and you'd only gotten as far as lathering up the shaving cream over his face. Turns out he looked quite funny whilst still managing to look dashing, and it was you that started laughing first. After which he couldn't stop from smiling himself at how amused you were by all this, and everytime you raised your hand holding the razor firmly, you pulled back and giggled some more.

"Ok Santa, hold still."

Harry gasped in mock offence. "Santa?"

"Well what else am I gonna call you with that "white beard" and near red lips? Look at the silver in your sideburns," you curled a strand of his hair around your left index finger, you were absolutely head over heels about it unbeknownst to him. "... So, if the shoe fits?"

Harry slapped your left thigh at that without missing a beat, you were only wearing your panties and one of his t-shirts you always slept in and it'd really stung, especially coming out of nowhere. "Ow! What are you punishing me for?! I've been a good girl all year, Santa," you pouted.

Harry cackled, the tone of it hiding a warning in there, somewhere. "Ohhh, but I beg to differ. I have a list of all the times you've been naughty," his eyes darkened and your breath hitched seeing his demeanor switch but he cleared his throat and pulled back a bit. "But let's save that conversation for another time, hm? Where were we?"

You smiled coyly and ran the razor under hot water again before bringing it to the side of his face once more, still hesitating.


"Yeah..." you cleared your throat. "Sorry. I'm just a bit scared, this looks really sharp. Nothing like my disposable razors."

Harry then grabbed your wrist gently, and looking straight into your eyes he pushed your hand towards the side of his face, pressing the razorblade against his skin and dragging it downwards towards his jawline.

Daddy issues // Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now