Chapter 16

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A/N: trigger warning- mentions of violence!

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A/N: trigger warning- mentions of violence!

You woke up with a gasp, your hand going to your neck by reflex. Your throat ached, your mouth was dry and your eyes stung as you blinked your nightmare away. You saw the sun creeping in through the drawn blinds and you couldn't believe that you'd actually slept. Especially since you'd slept for the majority of the previous day as well, but all the crying had probably worn you out.

And even after all that sleeping, you were absolutely exhausted. Drained. And most importantly, you'd been fighting the urge to go find Harry the whole night.

That's right. Instead of being sickened by what he'd told you, especially considering your own trauma regarding men exerting violence, you were absolutely heartbroken... for him. And you couldn't comprehend it, you couldn't figure out how you found it within yourself to pity him- after all, he was the one who nearly killed a man out of jealousy. You had a suspicion it had something to do with the little revelation you'd had in the midst of that whole fiasco the previous night.

You were in love with him.

You were in love with a man that had just admitted to you that he'd nearly beat to death the guy his ex wife cheated on him with.

And instead of focusing on what that meant to you, as a victim of domestic violence, all you could think of was how that incident had affected Harry. His daughter had been taken away from him, his ex wife making sure he got as little visiting hours as possible, and he probably would have gotten none had the guy he beat up (which ended up becoming Emily's step dad) wanted to. He'd gone into therapy and actually was thankful that this Julian guy allowed him to still see his kid. He'd never done anything like this prior to that, and ever since.

Not until he met you, that is.

Granted, he hadn't exactly beat up Collin, but God knows how things could've escalated. And it's not even the fact that he punched him. It was the way it had been so seemingly out of the blue, such an exaggerated reaction to what the poor guy had said. You'd suspected it had been out of jealousy and maybe the fact that Collin had mistook Harry for your father had had something to do with it as well, but still... You'd never seen someone react like that before.

No one, that is, except your father.

So how the hell were you sitting in bed now, crying for Harry instead of feeling sorry for yourself for having fallen for the kind of man you'd sworn you'd never be with?

You'd cried yourself to sleep asking yourself this, over and over. How did you end up in this situation?

Part of you was revolted that you hadn't called a cab on the spot and fled to the airport immediately. This should've been extremely triggering for you. And it was, but just now the way you'd always imagined it'd be.

What Harry had done was not ok, both with Emily's step dad and Collin, absolutely, you knew that. But, you also realized it was a reaction that was stemming from his own personal trauma and insecurities. Maybe, had you not gone into therapy yourself, you'd have been quicker to judge. But as it was, you knew that this was his way of coping with his internal turmoil. The way he reacted to very powerful triggers. And that, even after therapy, was very hard to control.

Daddy issues // Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now