Chapter 17

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"What?" you deadpanned while you were chewing your food

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"What?" you deadpanned while you were chewing your food. Harry kept staring at you instead of eating his own lunch


"You're staring"

"Don't talk with your mouth full, darling"

"Oh yeah?" you reached across the table and grabbed his sunglasses "There. It's not polite to wear sunglasses while eating" you explained, but he seemed unphased, his smile spreading even more across his features

"I don't mind, can see you better like this. Get to see your pretty blush. You get all squirmy when I look at you sometimes, you know that?"

"That's another thing" you said after taking a sip of your water "Staring. Definitely not polite to stare"

"Don't drink while you're eating"

"I have to. Otherwise I'm gonna pass out in these boots. I look a right mess with your t-shirt, that's doing nothing for my figure by the way, and these boots on, I'm sure everyone here thinks I must be mental to wear them in this heat"

He leaned back in his seat, fully staring at you unabashedly now. His lunch long forgotten- or maybe he wasn't that hungry, he just looked at you adoringly and it made your insides turn to mush. You tried your best to ignore his gaze but you were quite sure he was the real reason why you were feeling so hot, despite the Californian weather and your winter clothes. Eventually you pushed your plate aside and Harry furrowed his brows slightly "Don't like your food, baby?"

"No, it was fine, I'm just full" you lied, you could've easily finished off your plate had he not been ogling at you like that making you self conscious, but you felt silly telling him just how much of an effect it had on you, especially since he was all smiley.

After Harry asked for the check and paid, raising an eyebrow and giving you a look that silenced you before you could even finish your sentence when you offered to pay for your lunch, you sat up from the restaurant's terrace and Harry took your hand in his.

At first you thought he was just doing it as a gesture to lead you through a narrower path on the way out but when you reached the sidewalk and he didn't let go your breath hitched.

You were holding hands.

Your smaller hand felt so secure in his big one, his rings a refreshing tinge of cold against your heated skin, his thumb gently caressing the heel of your palm. It just... felt so right.

It was still all so raw, what had happened, what with his confession and how it'd almost tore you apart. You were still processing it, and you were still trying to make sense of it, but for now, all you knew was that you'd chosen to be with him, wholeheartedly. And also, the minor detail that you'd realized you were in love with him amidst all that.

Truly it was like you were seeing him in a different light. You loved this man, a feeling so foreign to you, yet you were sure of it. Nothing had ever felt more right in your entire life.

Daddy issues // Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now