Chapter 6

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"...Y/N!" a confused Emily greeted you at the front door

"Hey, hi! Just came over to collect my car... " you laughed weekly, a bit out of breath but trying to mask it with fake enthusiasm. You swallowed the lump in your throat and explained "I forgot to get my car keys back before I left yesterday and your dad was kind enough to offer to go get it from where we'd left it near the airport for me"

You could see Harry from behind his daughter all the way in the living room area, his concerned expression quickly morphing into one of his trademark smirks. Yeah. Saved your ass, you're welcome.

Those window-hopping skills were really coming into handy, now, too, weren't they? You gave him a knowing look then focused your attention solely on Emily, lest you gave anything away.

"Yeah, dad mentioned that just earlier. We were literally just talking about it, how weird is that?" she laughed and you internally cringed at how close a call this had been. "Hey, come in, sorry to keep you at the door like that!"

"No, it's alright, I'll just uh, grab the keys and be on my way"

"Nonsense" Harry finally cut in "Come in, stay a little, don't be a stranger"

He really wasn't doing a great job at keeping a neutral face, but you probably weren't either. Good thing Emily was seemingly more preoccupied with her phone than the two of you exchanging heated glances.

"I should really get going. Wanna avoid the traffic on the way back and all that..."

"Guess there's no point sticking around if you're not going to visit with your parents" Emily sighed then grimaced "Derek told me about the whole mess with your folks and them being mad at you for not showing up..."

You froze and glanced at Harry who was now frowning at the realization that you hadn't, in fact, visited with your parents the previous day "He did, did he? Well. Yeah. It's... a long story. But yeah, guess there's no reason not to be heading home. "

After a drawn out moment of awkward silence, Harry cleared his throat "I'll just bring out your trolley, I hadn't gotten to getting it to the car yet" he said, his voice grave

"Oh, yeah. Thanks" you nodded, hands folded in front of you.

"Sorry you had to go a whole day without your stuff" the girl shrugged while her father went into the bedroom to get your trolley "Dad told me how you eventually left yesterday since you probably got tired of waiting, him taking his sweet time napping on the couch and all..." she giggled

"Please, it's fine. Thanks again for having me over the other day, hope you didn't mind me intruding like that..."

"Of course not! Besides, it turned out fine, since I had to go caroling and dad didn't have to spend Christmas Eve all by himself. He told me you two even played a board game, and you let him win. I never let him win, so I imagine he must've been pretty psyched!"

Daddy issues // Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now