Chapter 24

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About a week had passed and you still felt like you were in a haze

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About a week had passed and you still felt like you were in a haze. Everything Niall had landed on you felt so heavy on your shoulders, you could hardly straighten your spine enough to serve tables at the diner properly.

You couldn't stop it from replaying in your head. Over and over. All he'd said about Harry and how he's coping... Or not coping. The way he picks up random fights at bars just to... feel something. Especially considering his past with violence, it was breaking your heart all over again.

You still couldn't wrap your head around how this could have happened. You never once expected such an outcome, never even considered it. Sure, you knew Harry would be heartbroken, but he was a mature man that could understand your reasoning, surely? He must've known you ran so that he didn't have to make that awful choice between you and his daughter. Surely he knew that had you tried to talk to him about it, he would've been totally against it- and what would that have solved? Nothing. You did it for him, so that he didn't have to. Surely he knew that... right?

Apparently not, based on what Niall had told you. It sure didn't seem like Harry was at peace with your decision. In fact, it seemed like he didn't understand it one bit.

Did he hate you?

If he didn't hate you yet, he surely was going to when he'd lose the trial to your awful family. He had no way of knowing Niall had found you and pleaded for you to take the stand, but still, you were important to the outcome (as far as he was concerned, though you had your doubts), and you were the reason he was in this mess to begin with- you and your family. Niall had told you he'd not be telling Harry about meeting with you, but could you really trust him?

You heart skipped a beat at that, but not the good kind- the dreadful kind. Had he told Harry, he'd have ran to you in a heartbeat. But he wasn't there. So Niall must have indeed not told him...

...The alternative was too much to bear.


You snapped out of it at your boss' tone of voice "Yes?"

"You gotta get your act together. I've been calling out to you for the past 2 minutes, made me come all the way over here just to find you daydreaming. How long does it even take to clean a coffee machine? I've already got people waiting, the fuck is the matter with you?!"

You nodded and hurriedly continued scrubbing, willing him away when you heard him order one of your colleagues in the back to help you out with what you were doing. Nancy came by your side and picked up the clean parts, drying them off. "Such a prick. No one's ordered coffee. It's freaking 11pm for fuck's sake..." she scoffed

"Well. Commuters always stop by around midnight just for coffee, so he's not wrong..."

Your co-worker turned to you and gave you a pointed look "Oh well excuse me, miss employee of the month" she then elbowed you and chuckled which made you smile faintly, just to be nice. Nancy was a good person, but you just couldn't get yourself to get close to anyone. You'd stopped talking to all your friends back home too, or at least, the very few you had. You just disappeared from their lives as you had from Harry's.

Daddy issues // Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now