Chapter 14

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"Baby, wake up

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"Baby, wake up. C'mon, time to board the flight" a soft voice in your ear was coaxing you out of your sweet slumber, but you really didn't want to listen to what it had to say, only wanted to listen to it without actually letting the words register. Your face was buried in his coat and he was so warm and smelled so good and his heartbeat was the perfect lullaby even in the midst of all that airport chaos

"What? No... but we just got here"

His faint chuckle vibrated against your cheek and it only made you nestle in closer "We've been here little over 2 hours. C'mon" he kissed the top of your head and you reluctantly pulled yourself away from him. He looked at you, his eyes were visibly tired but filled with adoration and he leaned over "Don't look at me like that, you know that only makes me wanna stuff my cock past those pouty lips"

Your breath hitched and a smirk started tugging at your lips and you went to close off the small space between the two of you when he abruptly sat up and helped you to your feet, and you couldn't help but notice that his hand hadn't lingered holding onto yours.

You tried not to dwell on it. You knew, of course, you were still in your hometown and it was still way too soon for any PDA, especially since you haven't even talked about when, if ever, you were going to tell your families. Still, it was vexing that this would bother you. You'd never really had a relationship before, but you always thought that you would not be the kind to hold hands even. You never thought you'd want to tell your family about your boyfriends, yet here you were, a bit disheartened at the prospect that maybe it wasn't even up for debate.

Was this going to be on the hush hush? Were you going to have to go away on trips just to be able to freely be together?


"Hm?" you'd both went through the gate and were almost on board of the plane, navigating the narrow corridor

"I asked, you're not afraid of flying by any chance, are you?"

"Huh? No" at least, you hope you weren't. You'd never flown before. Should you have told him this? "Are you?"

"It's not my favorite thing" he half smiled. "But I'm ok. I was wondering, because... well, I couldn't find adjacent seats last minute"

Your eyes widened at that "Oh, crap! You mean we have to sit apart? Harry!..."

"I think you'll like it, actually" he bit his lower lip trying to contain his amusement and you couldn't imagine what he found so funny about the situation.

It all became crystal clear though when the stewardess had you heading in one direction and Harry in the other, and when you turned your head towards him, confused as to why she was urging you to go through a curtain, he winked at you before you were pulled into a lavish area you recognized as first class.

"Wait. I think there's been a mistake"

The stewardess looked over your ticket again "There's no mistake, miss. This is your seat. Please enjoy your flight"

Daddy issues // Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now