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Jason off to the side.

The pain consumed me as I felt my bones snap and crack. The sicking sound made me nauseous. I didn't understand what was happening, it was to much for my little thirteen year old mind to wrap around. Then the pain stopped and I stood up everything had been magnified every sight, sound, and smell. I felt the urge to run so after shaking my fur out I began to. Then I paused and thought wait fur. I began to scream frightened by the fact that I was a monster now. Then I realized that I wasn't even screaming simply howling. I began having horrifying flash-backs, flash-backs of when I was younger, reading books about myths and fairy tales. Little did I know that those little figments of my imagination, were all real, but now I know the truth, now I am one of them. Then in all but one second, I could hear the engines of enormous trucks getting closer and closer to me. I didn't know what to do, there was no instruction manual to learn how to change back. I did what any animal I have ever seen in any nature film would do. I ran and hid, I hid like a coward. Something deep down inside was roaring, telling me to run, and strike at the danger ahead. I didn't listen to it though why should I listen, listen to the monster part of me. No, I didn't listen maybe I should have though because my hiding place was soon discovered. Hands reached in and pulled me out of the bush. I nipped at them but what could I do hurt a human. I used to be one! They took me away threw me carelessly into the truck and began to drive.

A week later ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 

If I wasn't adopted today they would put me down tomorrow. I would have shifted back but I had two problems. One I didn't know how to shift and Two even if I did the cage is to small for my human body. I decided that I wouldn't even try today. Why would anyone adopt me now. Everyone comes to the shelter to get cute little purse dog. No one wants a wolf like me. Then out of no where I hear a door open and three voices, talking in whispers. "Listen lady" says a man "I told da boss I wouldn't let anyone touch dis dog, and nobody lies to da boss."  

"Well then I won't touch her you will! Now put her collar on and walk her to my car." A pretty feminine voice chirped.  

"Listen Lady" he repeats "I told da boss no one would touch da dog, but if you can find a way to get da dog outta here wit dat stick, you godda deal." 

"oh good I know I can"she hummed excitedly. "Jason get in here and help me out." 

"coming" I heard a deep melodious voice say. Then in walked the most beautiful creation I had ever laid eyes on. I looked him over and saw olive skin, brown eyes, and tousled dirty blond hair. When he looked me in the eyes my body erupted in fireworks. Sparks flew and electrical shivers ran down my back as a voice in my head screamed "MATE!" I had to impress this family, I couldn't let this one slip away, just like all the others. I slowly stood up and looked up at this amazing boy. He looked at the woman and said "Watch, Mom, this'll be easy." He stands up and throws the stick into the back of an SUV. I don't know what to do, but I know when I had a dog I always wanted it to fetch, so why doesn't he want me to. I look straight and sprint after the stick, I expect him to wait for me to bring it back, but he is running right beside me. I jump into the back, but right as I grab the stick he jerks the door shut and all I see are shadows.

Wolfdog by KayleeU77 and Tortoise_girlWhere stories live. Discover now