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Dedicated to my 70th Follower

"I'm ready to tell you part of the reason I didn't return to my family" i said and began my tale.



It was my younger brother Ethan's second birthday and daddy went out to go pick up the cake.  Me being the responsible nine year old that I was had to watch Ethan while while Mom got ready.   Suddenly the phone rang and I went to go answer it.

"Hello this is the Yule residence," I said trying to sound the way mommy did when she answered the phone.

"Hello this is ST. Lepton Hospital.  We're calling about  David Yule  he was in a car accident involving a semi truck.  He's on life support right now and he won't make it through this we're just waiting for the family to come say good bye."

I dropped the phone and began to yell "Mommy" frantically until she ran in to the room with one shoe on. 

"What?" She asked sounding panicked.

"It's Daddy He's on life support at St.Lepton Hospital. They said he won't make it." i cried.

Her face hardened and she said "Go grab Ethan and get in the car we're gonna go see your father."

I grabbed Ethan and we got in the car where my mom was waiting for us.  When we reached the hospital we ran in and the receptionist pointed us to Daddy's room.  We went in and Daddy lay there in a mess of wires and tubes.  I walked up to him and placed my hand in his right as the monitor flat-lined.

Flashback over

"After that my mom wasn't normal any more. She was almost never there and when she was it was with random man or a bottle of alcohol.  She used all of our money on alcohol so I had to steal money or food for Ethan." I choked this out not looking at Jason.

  Then I took a deep breath and said "When I was ten she got a boyfriend and was better for a while but when they broke up....... when they broke up she got abusive and would hit me.  At first it was just me but soon she started hitting Ethan when I was at school and I couldn't protect him."

I stopped for a minute before continuing "When I got home from school I would always take Ethan to the park where she couldn't get us.  Sometimes though she would follow us and end up  passing out on the bench. When I was twelve and in middle school we had much longer days and by the time I got home it was to late to go to the park so we would hole up in my room where I would do home work. "



I got off the bus and rushed inside the house only to see Sandra (her mom) beating Ethan with a broom. 

I rushed over and screamed at her "What are you doing he's only five?" 

I grabbed Ethan and protected him with my body as the the broom came down with as much force as Sandra could muster.  It wasn't much but being as malnourished as I was I would still have a massive bruise.  I ran  away from Sandra carrying Ethan. 

When we were in my room and I had locked the door I thought She's finally lost it she isn't sane anymore.  We gotta get out of here. 

I turned to Ethan and as I inspected his injuries I said "Okay Ethan Tomorrow we leave tomorrow we're gonna go some where where she can't get us okay?"

"Okay" He replied in his adorable baby voice "Tomorrow"

After that I put him in bed and packed our bags.  I decided that I would go to school tomorrow so that I could say good by to my friend. 

The next morning I gave Ethan breakfast then ran out the door to catch the bus to school.  At school nothing exciting happened except for my tearful good byes.  When school was over I rushed home and flung open the door to the house.  Inside was a site I did not want to see.

On the Ground Lay Ethan surrounded by glass and blood  with a shard sticking out of his Juggler.  Sandra stood there smirking holding a new bottle of alcohol and not even caring that her son was dead by her feet. 

I shrieked and launched my self at her very much wishing that I could rip out her alcohol sodden guts.   She screamed and began to hit me with her bottle.  A good hit got me right in the temple and as the world went black  Sandra crouched down in front of me and spoke.

"If you say a word about this to anyone you'll have a worse death then your brother" 

Flashback over


"So I stayed with her and stopped attending school. I spent the next year as her personal maid and the only way I could get away from her was by going on long walks in the woods"  I cried and Jason gathered me up in a hug.

That's how I feel asleep warm, safe, and comfortable in his arms.

Wolfdog by KayleeU77 and Tortoise_girlWhere stories live. Discover now