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The picture to the side is Anna

I woke up in Jason's bed cuddled against him.  It felt nice it felt right like I was meant to be in his arms. Which of course I was but he didn't know that and he didn't need to he was happy being single.  I sighed and plopped my head back down on my pillows .  As I drifted back to sleep I imagined what it would be like if Jason knew that we were mates.

I woke up again later only to discover that I was alone in the bed.  I could smell cooking bacon and eggs also I could smell Jason and Anna (Anna is her friend from the Cafe).  I hopped out of bed and got dressed in jeans and a t-shirt. Then I ran into the kitchen as my stomach roared ferociously.

"Hey Layla" Anna called as I ran past her straight to the pan of bacon. 

I snatched a piece right as Jason turned around and he playfully glared at me as I munched on the bacon and headed of to sit at the table. Anna who didn't know I was a werewolf but knew how I felt about Jason started to giggle.

I asked her "What are you doing here." Then realizing how it sounded rushed to say "Not that I don't want you here I just didn't expect to see you here you know at Jason's house."

She laughed at me and said "I know what you mean Silly and I'm here to take you out shopping for Christmas presents."

I looked at her wide eyed and asked "When's Christmas I kinda don't know the date."

"I expected that from you" She told me.  "By the way it's the fourteenth"

Jason set a plate of bacon and eggs in front of me and I said "Thanks Jace" before turning back to Anna.

To Anna I said "you better not get me any thing to expensive,"

She held her hands up innocently but I didn't believe her for a second. 

I turned over to Jacob again and said "Is your family gonna be here for Christmas?"

"No, I'm gonna go up to my mom's house" He answered.  I didn't reply because I wasn't sure if I would be staying here for Christmas or not.

I looked at Anna and asked "You ready to go because all I need to do is grab some money?"

"She nodded and Said "Yeah I'm ready when you are."

I ran to the living room and pulled my wallet out of the coffee table drawer.  Then I skipped back to Anna and we walked out to her car together.

"Do you think he'll invite you to go to his mom's with him for Christmas?" Anna asked as we pulled away from the apartment building.

"Honestly I have no idea" I told her biting my lip.  "I hope so"

"If he does that means he likes you" She sang winking at me.

I rolled my eyes at her as we parked the crawled out of the car.  We were at the mall and I still hadn't decided what I wanted to get Anna and Jason.

"Okay I'll help you decide what get Jason and once you buy it we can split up and get each others gifts." Anna chirped looking delighted. 

"Do I get to help you decide what your gonna get your family" I ask .

"Of course you do" She told me nodding vigorously.

I laughed and we stopped to look around and figure out where we were.  Finally I spotted a shop that gave me an Idea for Jason's present.  I whispered my idea into Anna's ear and she squealed about what a great gift it would be.

Shaking my head at her I walked in the opposite direction and looked around for something for Anna. When I saw the right thing for her in the window of a shop I ran in and bought it then Text Anna that I was done on Jason's phone which he had lent me for the day.

I waited by the car with my small bags one which held Anna's gift the other which held supplies.  I was deciding how I was gonna pull of Jason's gift when Anna came in to the parking lot tugging around ten huge bags.  I ran over to her and took half of them laughing as I pushed them in to the car.

The day had gone bye perfectly now I just had to see if Jason would invite me or not.

Wolfdog by KayleeU77 and Tortoise_girlWhere stories live. Discover now