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Alois swallowed as Claude took his phone away from him and hung up.

"W-Why did you do that?" Alois asked, nervous. Why was Ciel saying that Claude was dangerous?

"I heard your conversation with your friend Ciel, I couldn't have you hear more," Claude said

"He was joking, anyway we should probably leave," Alois said, laughing slightly to hide how nervous he was, trying to make it past Claude to walk towards the exit but the older man blocked his path.

"You're not going anywhere. It's sad, I was hoping I could play with you a little longer, but all fun must end." Claude said with a sigh

"Stop joking around! This is not funny Claude..." Alois took a couple of steps back but soon coming close to a tombstone that prevented him from moving any further.

"I'm not joking, you were a fun pet, it was hilarious watching you think I loved you and seeing you do anything for me in return for a little attention. So pathetic, little human. But worry not, soon you'll be reunited with your brother."

Alois' eyes widened and his stomach twisted, this couldn't be real. He had to be dreaming.

"You're lying, it's not true. I love you Claude, you love me too, you said it!"

"Well, you're right about something, I lied. I don't love you, I never had, and never will."

Alois felt sick, his legs buckled from under him, and fell to the floor, feeling devastated.

"Why did you lie? What did you have to gain?" He asked as tears ran down his cheeks.

"Your pain and suffering amuses me, I knew it'd be worth seeing, besides, playing with you, using you, and lying to you was just as fun. I also wanted to make the object of my affection jealous, and you served a fine purpose."

"The subject of your affection? Who—?"

"CLAUDE! STEP AWAY FROM ALOIS NOW!" Sebastian's voice echoed through the cemetery.

"There he is," Claude said with a smirk, turning around to see Sebastian and Ciel running towards them.

"ALOIS!" Ciel yelled

"Awww, dear brother, you brought your toy. How sweet. I'll get to kill them both." Claude said with a laugh.

"Shut the hell up, I won't let you touch a single hair of either of them," Sebastian growled.

"You're not going to let me? How sweet, how will you do that?"

"I'll fight you to death if I have to."

"Then let's fight," Claude replied, suddenly changing from his human form to his demon form.

Alois watched the whole interaction, too shocked to even move.

Claude turned towards him, his usual smile was replaced by fangs and a cruel smile that looked like it was out of a horror movie.

"How do you like me now? Are you still in love with me stupid little human?" Claude growled, bending down to pick Alois up by the throat.

Alois began coughing, not able to breathe as Claude pressed down on his throat, cutting all airflow.

"Let go of him, you bastard!" Ciel yelled, running towards Claude without thinking, clinging to his arm to make him let go of Alois.

Claude laughed at Ciel before pushing him away from him. Ciel stumbled, hitting his head against one of the tombstones, making his vision go dark—just before fainting, he heard Sebastian's cry of despair from afar.





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