Chapter 12

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It was 5 am when Ciel got up that Saturday. After waking up at 4 am from his night terrors, he tried to go back to sleep but after staring at the celling for an hour, he decided he'd better get up and start with his day. He had to start packing because today, he was finally going home. He had called his mother the night before after finishing his talk with Alois, he told her he was going to stop by the house before leaving for the festival, which began at 2 pm. He and Sebastian had agreed to meet at the entrance of the university a few minutes before 2. After he finished packing and leaving everything spotless so that his aunt didn't have to clean after he was gone, he went to take a shower. By the time he had showered and gotten dressed, it was 7 am and his aunt was waiting for him with a cup of tea.

"Here" She said handing him his cup "It's Green tea, there wasn't enough Earl Gray to make a cup, I hope it's alright."

"You don't have to worry, it's more than alright." Ciel responded with a soft smile as he lifted the cup to his lips.

"After you finish eating I can help you pack if you want?" Angelina asked

"It's okay Aunt Ann, I already packed, I was actually thinking about going to the house after breakfast." He answered as he bit into a piece of Toast.

"Oh, okay" It looked like she was done talking but after a long pause she continued "You know you're always welcome here right?"

"Yes, I know, thank you for everything Aunt Ann, but you know this isn't goodbye forever right? We are still going to see each other all the time, we are family after all."

"Yes, you're right." She said with a small laugh. Once Ciel had cleared his place, he took his bags and made his way over to the door.

"I'll see you soon Aunt Ann."

"See you kiddo, drive safe." He nodded before turning around, he opened the door and closed it without looking behind him. He got to his car, put the bags in the trunk and quickly got in, started his car and turned the heater on as he started to shiver, he was way underdressed for the season, time flew by so quickly, October was ending in a week, soon it would get freezing, he had to start dressing up more accordingly to the weather if he didn't want to get sick.
The way home was quick, quicker than he would have expected, once his car parked, he takes out his back and locking the car before making his way into the house. As usual, his three maids greeted him as if he'd never left, he greeted them back and asked where his mother was, one of them responded that she was in the garden so he told the maid to go inform his mother that he was back while he went to put his things back in his room. Once he had left his belongings in his room he went to the garden to greet his mom. As soon as she saw him, she smiled. He sat next to her in a chair. She wanted to hug him after being away from her son for a month but she didn't want to fight again and she knew how he felt about hugs so he just smiled at him.

"I've missed you baby." She said softly

"I've missed you too mom." He murmured, mostly to himself but she heard him anyway.

"I'm so sorry about everything." She said "I think it's time I tell you why your sexuality bothers me so much." She added
Ciel was really surprised but he didn't say anything, he let her continue mostly because he feared that if he interrupted her now, she would never tell him. "It's not really my place to tell you that but I'm still going to do it." She said before inhaling and exhaling sharply.

"Your dad is gay; that's why it bothers me that you are gay too, it reminds of him and our marriage." She said, her voice trembling.

Ciel's eyes widened "Dad's... gay?!" he couldn't believe his ears.

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