Chapter 4

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"So how was your date with Claude yesterday?" Ciel asked Alois as they were jogging behind their entire class. Everyone of their classmates had already done 4 laps around the football field, Ciel and Alois were at their 2.

"It was amazing, he cooked dinner for me and then he asked me to be his boyfriend, of course I said yes immediately."

"You said yes? But you've only known him for 2 weeks Alois."

"I know I know, but I feel like I've known him since forever, I really like him Ciel, I think he may be the one" Alois said as he smiled thinking of his new boyfriend Claude.

"Alois, everyone is the one with you." Ciel sighed.

"I know I've said that about my previous boyfriends but it's really different this time."

"Again you say that every time" Ciel said shaking his head in disapproval.

"Shut up" yelled Alois hitting Ciel on the arm.

"Phantomhive, Trancy, Less chit-chat, more running" yelled their gym teacher.

As the teacher saw that the two teens weren't going to start running any time soon, he made his way towards them and said "If you two don't start running I'll have to make you fail my class."

"I can't run faster than I'm already doing, if I do I could have an asthma attack" Ciel stated.

"I don't care Phantomhive, you run now or I fail you, simple as that."

Ciel glared at his teacher before answering "You can't force me to do anything. Do I need to remind you who my father is? If he so much hears that you put my life in danger he will have you fired and he'll make sure you'll never find a job ever again in your pathetic little life, so if I were you I would reconsider your words." Ciel spoke coldly.

"You little- that's it, you're having detention today at 4h. I don't care who your father is, you will not disrespect me I am your teacher, now leave, before I change it to a month of detention."

Ciel glared at his teacher before leaving with Alois.

"He is so getting fired." He commented to his friend who chuckled at his words.

It was 4h30 when Ciel entered the classroom where detention was held, inside the classroom were 2 boys, one had black hair and brown eyes, he looked younger than Ciel, the other boy looked about his age, he had turquoise blue eyes with strawberry-blond hair clipped back with five red bobby pins, two on his right and three on his left.

"Leave your cellphone in that box, you will have it back at the end of detention." Stated the teacher in charge, Ciel did as he was told and went to take a seat a desk away from the strawberry-blond haired boy. He took a book out of his backpack and started to read.

"Hey pssst" "Pssst" Ciel looked at his right and saw the blond boy at the desk next to him, apparently he had moved from his previous seat to one closer to Ciel's.

The young Phantomhive sighed "What?"

"Hey I'm Finnian but you can call me Finny." He said happily

"I'm Ciel" replieed the teen while he looked back at his book

"So what are you here for?" Asked Finny "I threatened the gym teacher." Answered Ciel frankly.

"I broke one of the water fountains, but to be fair it was an accident, water wouldn't come out so I tried to punch it so it would work again but I didn't control my strength and I broke it" Finny said in a sad tone, Ciel couldn't see his face, he was too busy trying to concentrate on his book.

"I see you are reading, you must really like literature. I'm really bad at it, I think I'm gonna fail the course, I asked my brother Bard for help with my homework but he wasn't good at it either so I asked his girlfriend May-rin for help, she helped me a bit but it wasn't enough to help me understand."

Ciel sighed visibly annoyed by Finny, he didn't want to talk to anybody, all he wanted to do was read in silence, fortunately for Ciel, the teacher soon made Finny shut up.

The two hours went by pretty quickly to Ciel's taste, not that it bothered him but he liked having some quiet time to read. He got in his black Lexus 350 and drove back to his manor.

"I'm home" Ciel announced as he stepped in. The maids greeted him by bowing. He took of his shoes and went to his room, he put his car keys on his desk and his backpack on the floor, he then laid down.

"Ciel may I come in?" Asked his mother as she knocked on the door. "Yes, come in" Ciel answered.

"Go to bed early today please, because tomorrow your two aunts and your cousin Lizzie are coming at 10 in the morning."

"Okay Mother." Ciel sighed, he didn't want to spend time with his cousin Lizzie or his aunt Francis, but he looked forward to see his aunt Angelina, she was his favorite family member.


Sebastian was walking on campus, it was Saturday morning, he sat on a bench trying to decide what to do with his day when he heard someone calling his name, he turned around and saw Alois Trancy. Alois was wearing a green button up shirt, black booty shorts with black knee boots with a purple coat on top of it all.

"Hi Alois, what are you doing here?" Asked Sebastian curious of knowing if the blond teen was in company of a certain blue haired boy. Since they had met, Sebastian couldn't stop thinking about the delightful young boy but even though he had the teen's phone number for two weeks now, he couldn't find the courage to text him, he would always say to himself that he would do it later but each day the later never came.

"I'm here to see my new boyfriend. Hey why haven't you texted Ciel yet? I thought you were into him?" The blond boy asked cutting right to the chase.

"I am, I want to text him but I haven't gotten the time to do it yet." he lied "and how do you know I didn't text him? Did he say anything about wanting me to text him? " added the demon.

"Well I told him I gave you his number and I asked him if you had texted him a few days ago but he said you didn't, he didn't seem to be bothered by the idea of you texting him though. You should text him now, you have time as I can see, plus I know that if you text him right now he will definitely respond." Said Alois

"How do you know that he will respond?" Asked the crimson eyed men as he raised an eyebrow.

"Ciel is in a family reunion right now and he will do anything if it can make him not talk to his relatives so, if you text him now I bet he will gladly talk to you." Alois looked at his cell phone and added " I have to go, nice to see you again Sebastian, text Ciel now, I will ask him about it when I get back from my date, you better have texted him by then, byeee" he yelled as he walked away.


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