Chapter 16

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Sebastian chuckled as he saw that Ciel's plate wasn't the main dish, like everyone else's. It was a dessert plate which the young boy practically inhaled, once that was done, a maid was waiting with his main dish in hand, already changing the plates the second Ciel put his fork down.

"So, how long have you been dating?" Rachel asked and Ciel responded before Sebastian could even open his mouth. "not long."

Maybe agreeing to this meal with Ciel's mother wasn't such a good idea as he had thought earlier since, it was normal that she'd ask him a lot of personal questions to get to know the guy who was dating her son, but Sebastian wanted to make a good impression so he'd take his time with his meal, answering every question Rachel would throw at him.

Thankfully, she didn't ask as many questions as the young demon would have imagined and the meal was over soon enough and before he knew it, he was already at the door, saying his goodbyes.

"Thank you again for allowing me to stay for dinner Miss Phantomhive, the food was delicious. It was lovely meeting you." Sebastian spoke with confidence, putting on his most dashing smile.

"The pleasure was all mine Sebastian, feel free to come over any time." She answered before leaving the boys alone on the front porch.

Ciel cleared his throat nervously, unsure of what to say, he hadn't spoken to Sebastian alone since he had learned his secret and even though he said he was okay with it, it was still a lot to process.

"I should go, it's getting late." Sebastian spoke up, seeing the boy's struggle to find words.

"Yes, you should. Thank you for today a-and for staying for dinner." Ciel answered, looking at the demon who smiled at him.

"Bye Ciel."

"Bye Sebastian." The demon turned around, making his way to the car and once inside, he drove away.

Ciel was lying awake in bed, not able to sleep, he couldn't help but repeat today's events in his mind over and over again. Sebastian was a demon. A demon. With horns and wings. Sebastian was a demon, his demon, his boyfriend... They were dating now. It was weird, in a sense nothing felt different but at the same time, everything did feel different. A light from Ciel's nightstand made him turn around and look at his phone. He had received a message.

Sebastian: What are you still doing awake?

Ciel chuckled, how did he know?

Ciel: So aside from a demon you're a stalker now too? How did you know I was awake?

Sebastian: It wasn't very hard to imagine, after all of what happened today I imagine it would be hard for you to fall asleep. But Ciel, I want you to know that I really meant it when I said I would never hurt you, in any way.

Ciel: I trust you.

Sebastian: It warms my heart to hear you say that!

Ciel: You can't hear it, it's written.

Sebastian: You know what I meant...

Ciel: I know, I just love teasing you.

Sebastian: You should get some sleep now.

Ciel: Yes, I should...

Sebastian: Good Night Ciel, Sleep well!

Ciel sighed, he doubted he'd sleep well, not after talking about his past. He'd probably be awake soon, screaming, having night terrors.

Ciel: I'll try. Good Night Sebastian He typed before setting his phone on his nightstand again, closing his eyes and hoping he'd fall asleep soon.

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