Chapter 5

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~A/N: The parts in bold is when they are sending text messages, enjoy~

Ciel was sitting at the garden table, talking with his aunt Ann when he heard a high pitched voice screaming behind him. "CIIEL~"

"Shit" he cursed. He looked at his aunt with a pleading look that was saying 'save me'

"Sorry can't save you this time kiddo." His aunt Ann said as she chuckled before getting up and going inside the house.

Lizzie came running towards the Phantomhive boy with her arms wide open. She hugged him for a second before he pushed her away.

"How many times did I tell you not hug me Elizabeth?"

"Almost as many times as I told you to call me Lizzie."

"Ugh fine, Lizzie, happy now?" He said as he sighed.

"Yes very, but I would be happier if you hugged me once in a while, after all I'm going to be your wife soon"

Ciel rolled his eyes, "Again with the wife thing? What will it take for you to get that our mothers did that stupid promise to marry us when we were little while they were drunk, plus we are cousins we can't get married."

Their moms and Their Aunt Ann appeared behind them. "What are you talking about?" Asked Francis, Lizzie's mom.

"Mommy, Ciel says we will never get married." She whined to her mom.

"That's nonesense honey, I made a pact with your Aunt Rachel that you guys will get married, right Rachel?", Ciel's mom nodded.

Ciel couldn't believe his ears, his family was crazy. "Mom, you know I will never marry Lizzie, I could list you a million reasons why it is wrong but the first reason is because I'm not into women."

"What is he talking about Rachel?" His Aunt Francis asked

"It's nothing Francis, Ciel is trying to convince me that he is a homosexual" she said as she rolled her eyes before looking at her son "Will you stop saying that out loud, it has been a year now, when will that ridicule phase pass?!, I bet it's that kid Alois Trancy that put weird ideas in your head, you really should stop frequenting him." His mother told him as she was getting angry.

"Leave Alois out of this. It's not a phase, it's who I am."

"Ciel please stop with that nonesense right now, it is no time to make a scene, now if you will please step inside, lunch is ready." His mother, His aunt Francis and Lizzie went to the dining room, Ciel stayed behind with his Aunt Ann.

"Everything is going to be alright kiddo, your mom will accept you sooner or later" she said with a soft smile, showing her perfect white teeth.

"I don't think she ever will, why can't she be more like you." Ciel said looking at his hands. His aunt didn't answer, but she was in the verge of tears. Ciel was like a son to her. She put a hand on his shoulder to try and comfort him a bit. His aunt was one of the few privileged people who Ciel didn't felt like his skin was on fire whenever they touched him. The other people among that list were his father, his mother and Alois. But because his best friend was too clingy and would always hug him, Ciel had to tell him that he couldn't stand being touched by him, even though it wasn't the case.

He and his aunt went to join the family lunch inside. They were half through the meal when Ciel felt his phone vibrate in his pocket. He took it out and saw he had a new text from an unknown number.


Hi Ciel, it's Sebastian Michaelis, how are you?

Ciel quickly added the number to his contact list under the name of Sebastian Michaelis. Alois had told Ciel that he had given the man his number, Ciel didn't really mind because he had a pleasant time talking to the raven haired man, but 2 weeks had passed since they had met and the man had never texted him, Ciel just assumed he never would. To be frank, Ciel had thought a few times about the man over these two weeks.

Hi Sebastian, I'm okay I guess, how are you? He answered.

I'm fine, ugh I've been so busy with my studies, finally I have some time to relax. Was the man trying to justify why he took so long to text him? Ciel thought.

Oh that must have sucked to be so busy, what is your major?

Yeah that sucked, my major is Law. What are you doing today?

Law? That's cool. Ugh I'm at this boring family meeting, I wish I could get out of here.

"Ciel what are you doing? Are you using your phone at the table?!" His mother asked him "How many times have I told you not to use your phone when we are eating, it's rude." She added.

"Probably as many times as I've told you that me being gay isn't a phase but you don't listen to me so why should I?" Ciel responded annoyed.

"For heaven's sake, stop with this gay thing, I'm starting to lose my patience."

"Why can't you just accept me for who I am?!" Ciel snapped

"Because that it not who you are" his mother answered. Ciel couldn't stand it anymore. "I hate you" he yelled as he got up and walked away.

"Ciel Phantomhive come back here this instant!" His mother yelled but he didn't listen. He put on his shoes and went to the garage. Once in his car he looked at his phone.

Hang in there~ Sebastian had answered him.

Hey what are you doing right now? Wanna meet up somewhere? I left the family reunion, got in a fight with my mother... Ciel wrote.

Sure, there is a coffee on main street, wanna meet there in 20 minutes? Sebastian asked

Sure, let's meet there, see you in a few. Ciel wrote back.

20 minutes later Ciel arrived at the coffee place where Sebastian had suggested to meet up. He went inside fearing that he would be too early and that it hadn't given Sebastian enough time to get there but he assumed that if Sebastian had suggested the place, it meant he was somewhere close by.

As he entered he quickly spotted the raven haired man sitting at a booth. He had a white button up shirt with black skinny jeans. He looked really handsome.

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