Chapter 1

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Ciel poured himself another cup of Earl Grey while looking through the morning paper.

"Ciel, are you listening to me?" His mother, Rachel, asked. The young Phantomhive didn't even bother to look at his mother; he took a sip from his tea and turned the page.

"How long are you going to give me the silent treatment?" asked Rachel, attempting not to lose her temper over her son's rudeness.

"Until you and dad get back together."

Rachel sat down in front of her son. "Ciel, honey, I know this divorce is pretty hard on you but your father and I are not going to get back together."

"Yeah because you drove him away."

"This divorce is not entirely my fault."

"Yeah right." He replied before finishing his Earl Grey and leaving the table. He came back down a few minutes later with his backpack and walked towards the front door.

"Where are you going?" asked his mother standing up.

"To school, where do you think I'm going?" Ciel spoke annoyed.

"I know that darling but I'm not ready to take you yet."

"Alois is picking me up."

"Oh okay, have fun today at your university tour."

Ciel turned around and left without even saying goodbye. As Rachel Phantomhive watched her little boy walk out, she sat back down on her wooden chair and started crying.

"You're late." Ciel said as he entered the car of his best friend, Alois. The platinum haired boy took off his sunglasses and looked at his best friend, he looked angrier than usual.

"What's up with you? Why are you so angry this early in the morning?"

"It's nothing." said Ciel as he looked out the window.

"Come on you can tell me." Alois said as he took as sip of his iced coffee before starting to drive to school.

"It's my mom, I hate that she got custody of me, why can't I go live with my dad ugh I hate it, she drives me nuts."

"You can't imagine what I'd do for my mother to be alive and be able to escape my dad, you should enjoy being with her while you can, you won't be able to do so forever." Alois spoke gently.

"I knew you wouldn't get me."

Neither of them talked after that. They soon made it to school. When all the students had arrived, their teacher escorted their class to the bus they were going to take to visit the Oxford University.

Alois complained the whole way there, telling Ciel how he was hungry and didn't even want to go in the first place, saying that he was only going for his best friend. Ciel didn't want to go either, he was only going because of his father. When Ciel would grow up he was going to inherit the family company. His father Vincent Phantomhive owned the Funtom Company which was a sweets factory and he wanted his son to learn business management before handing him the company.

They arrived at Oxford University after 2 hours of riding the bus with their fellow classmates, they did the tour of half of the university and at 12h the teacher told everyone that they could take a break for lunch but should regroup at the entrance in an hour to resume the tour. Alois started running towards the cafeteria, dragging Ciel along with him.

"If I get an asthma attack I will kill him." cursed Ciel as he did his best to keep up with his best friend. He was so concentrated on following Alois that he did not notice the tall man who was walking in front of him until it was too late and he was sitting on the floor.

"Are you okay?" Asked the man Ciel run into, offering his hand to help Ciel get up. He glared at the man and got up without his help. Alois who had witnessed everything came running back.

"I'm so sorry." He apologized in Ciel's place and quickly took Ciel by the arm and dragged him away.

"Let go of me, you know I hate being touched" said Ciel pushing away his friend's arm.

"Sorry." mumbled Alois "Ciel that guy was totally checking you out"

"Nonsense, I bet he was only staring at me because I am a freak with an eyepatch."

"Believe me Ciel, I know that look and it wasn't a look of disgust, it was quite the opposite"

"Whatever, let's just hurry up, I'm starving."

When they arrived to the cafeteria they were pleased to notice that it was a buffet with all kinds of food. Alois chose lasagna and Ciel pizza, as they had started eating, Alois noticed the tall man from earlier, he was sitting at a table not far from theirs and he could see how the man was staring at Ciel.

The man had red eyes and black hair, he was really handsome. The crimson eyed man was sitting next to a white haired guy with a snake on his neck and sitting in front of him was a red-haired person, he could not see if it was a boy or a girl because he was only seeing their back

After they finished eating, Ciel and Alois exited the cafeteria and went to the entrance to meet with their classmates to continue the tour.

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