Chapter 2

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Sebastian was walking in the direction of the cafeteria where he was going to meet his friends, when suddenly something hit his back. He turned around to see it wasn't something but someone. A blue haired boy was sitting on the floor, he was wearing a white button up shirt with a grey cardigan and a black short coat on top of it all. He had dark blue knee length shorts with tall brown boots, his right eye was covered with a black eyepatch, his left eye was deep blue. It was the first time Sebastian saw a human being so stunning.

"Are you okay?" He asked the teen, offering him his hand to help him get up. He glared at him and got up by himself. At that same moment another boy with platinum hair and ice blue eyes dressed with a black and white striped t-shirt with a grey cardigan on top of it, black pants and vans came running towards the other boy.

"I'm so sorry" apologized the platinum haired boy taking his friend by the arm and ran away.

Sebastian arrived at the cafeteria and sat down with his two friends, he quickly spotted the blue haired human and his friend two tables away. There was something about him that was different from other humans, there something in him that intrigued Sebastian.

"Sebas-chan are you listening to me?" Grell pouted.

"Hello~~?" Grell singsonged to Sebastian again, waving her hand in front of the demon's face.

"He is looking at the eyepatch boy, Emily says" said Snake. He was a white haired guy with golden eyes, he had the ability to talk to snakes, he was really shy and only talked through his pets, he was wearing a black t-shirt with black pants. His snake, Emily, was around his neck and his other snake, Wordsworth, was around his left arm. Grell had green eyes and long dark-red hair, shark-like teeth, and red-framed glasses which were accessorized with a chain with skulls. She was wearing a white button up shirt with a red coat on top of it, red pants and red high heels.

"Sebas-chan,listen to me~" Grell repeated.

"What is it Grell?" Replied Sebastian annoyed.

"Finally you are answering me. Why do you keep looking at that brat?"

"There is something about him."

"The only person you should be interested in, is me, we have next period free, why don't we go back to my room and I'll let you do dirty things to me. AHHH~ only thinking about it makes me excited, come on what do you say, Se-bas-chan~" Grell said placing her hand on Sebastian's arm.

"I thought you were seeing Will, says Wordsworth" after hearing that, Grell shot a glare at Snake, she was going to argue with the snake lover when Sebastian got up and left.

"Oi Sebas-chan~ where are you going?" Sebastian didn't answer, he was too busy following the blue haired boy and his friend, he wanted to meet him. He followed them to the library.

"This is our last stop before you can have the rest of the day off so please bare with me here students" said the teacher. "This Library was founded in 1602, it is one of the oldest libraries in Europe with over 11 million items, it is the second biggest library in Britain-" spoke the tour guide. The demon's eyes followed the young boy who went to explore the library instead of listening to what was said; he smirked as he found his new center of interest on the tip of his toes to reach a book.

"Fuck, why do I have to be so short", Sebastian's smirk grew wider as he heard him curse. He walked over to where he was and handed him the book.

"Here you go." he said with a mischievous smile.

"I didn't need your help, I had it under control." The teen responded as he ripped the book from the man's gloved hands.

"Sure you did." said the demon with a sarcastic tone. "I'm Sebastian Michaelis, nice to meet you." he said holding out his hand to the boy. He received no response. "I've never seen you around before, are you a freshman?" He asked, trying to get some information out of the teen.

"Not yet but next year I will be." He said looking at his book.

"Oh, so you are still in high school?" he asked intrigued, even though he already knew the answer to his question. The boy nodded in response.

"Are you liking the university so far?"

"It's alright I guess," he paused "Wait, I've seen you before. Aren't you the guy who I ran into earlier?"

Sebastian chuckled before answering "Yes I am indeed."

"Are you a stalker or something?" the boy asked with a disgusted look on his face.

"No, it's merely a coincidence that we ran into each other earlier. I saw you needed help that's why I came over here."

"Well I don't need help anymore so If you'll excuse me." the boy said making his way past the demon.

"So you admit you needed help earlier." said Sebastian with a smirk. The boy only glared in response before turning away.

"Wait, would you at least give me your name?" Asked the man in a desperate attempt to make this conversation last longer.

"It's Ciel. Now will you leave me alone?" and as he said that he quietly walked away.

'Ciel huh? What an interesting name...' He thought, as he watched him walk away.

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