Chapter 13

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Halloween, it had always been Alois and Ciel's favorite holiday of the year, ever since they were little they would dress up and go trick or treat, as they got older and lazier, they would just buy candy and have a sleep over, they'd watch horror movies all night until they were so tired their eyes hurt and this year was no exception. Alois was dressed as a zombie, fake rotting flesh hanging from his face, he always had amazing make up skills, and his Halloween costumes were always well crafted, making Ciel jealous. Ciel was dressed for the second year in a row as a Demon, he had red contact lenses, red horns and a tail.

"How dare you recycle a costume?!" Alois yelled outraged as he saw his best friend's clothing. "What happened to wanting to make it look like half of your face was ripped off?"

"I didn't have time to practice the make up so I just decided to use the same one as last year, it's not like anyone else beside you will see me." Ciel replied shrugging

They had bought a packet of each candy that was on the market but still most of them were from Funtom, a gift from Ciel's dad to the boys. They were half way through the third horror movie when Ciel's phone rang again, he looked to see who it was before sighing and silencing his movil device.

"How many times has he called today?" Alois asked, mouth full of candy

"10" Ciel responded annoyed by that fact

"Wow! That's a lot!" Alois said once he had swallowed.

Ever since Ciel left the festival last Saturday, Sebastian had started calling and texting him none stop. Ciel was so shaken up when he came back that he went straight to bed, when he was woken up later by night terrors he checked his phone and saw 6 missing calls from Sebastian, the phone calls hadn't stopped since but even though there was a part of him that wanted to answer to Sebastian, to tell the man that he was okay that he didn't need to worry so much, another part of himself convinced him that it was better to ignore the raven, the incident at the festival made him more sure than ever that he could never get too close to Sebastian so, what a better time to cut all ties with the man.

"Maybe if you just confront him and tell him that you don't want to see him again he'll stop calling, but if you keep on ignoring him it'll just make him worry and call more" Alois stated before putting more candy in his mouth, Ciel just listened but didn't answer anything.


"Could you please stop glaring at everyone who makes eye contact with us?" Grell complained to her boyfriend William as they walked, hand in hand, on the campus.

"I told you that singing in that festival was a bad idea, now everyone knows you and can't keep their eyes off you."

Grell laughed, "Or maybe their looking at me because I'm wearing an eighteen century red dress?"

"It's Halloween, everyone dresses up, I doubt it's because of that." Grell rolled her eyes playfully and squeezed her boyfriend's hand.

"Remind me again why we have to visit Sebastian on Halloween night?" Will asked, annoyed

"Because, it's his birthday and he's been down since Ciel started ignoring his calls so I wanted to cheer him up." Will nodded but didn't say another word. Suddenly Grell stopped, the door from Sebastian's room opened and he got out, Grell was about to yell his name when the she saw him pull someone out of the room. She looked at Will and placed her index finger on her lips. "Shh", they hid behind a vending machine to try and listen to the conversation.

"I think saw this guy before." Will whispered

"Yeah, he's Alois's boyfriend, Claude, you met him the other day at the festival."

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