Chapter 9

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It was 1 in the afternoon when Alois got in front of Claude's apartment. He looked at his phone while he waited for his boyfriend to get the door. He had 9 missed calls and 3 text messages from Ciel, all texts asked over and over if he was ok, if he needed help. He put his phone away as the door opened.

"Alois? What are you doing here at his hour? Shouldn't you be at school?" Asked Claude as he opened the door, but before his boyfriend could answer he saw something that disturbed him, Alois had a black eye and his left cheek was bruised. "What happened to you?" He added as he let the blonde come in. Alois sat on the couch in silence, thinking of the words he could use to explain to his raven haired boyfriend what had happened to him. As Alois sat on the couch, Claude noticed something different about his boyfriend, he was wearing an oversized sweater and some sweatpants, and if there was something that he knew about his boyfriend was that Alois Trancy would prefer be burnt alive than wear sweatpants outside from his home, and he would most certainly never wear them to visit his boyfriend.

"Alois, why are you wearing sweatpants? What's going on?" Claude asked softly as he sat next to the blonde.

"It was the only piece of clothing I could wear that didn't hurt." He whispered as tears began to ran down his cheeks.

"What are you talking about?" Claude asked confused and worried at the same time.

"It happen again" Alois said between sobs

"What did?" Claude asked once again.

Alois looked up, his ice blue eyes filled with tears. His hands began to shake as he started saying "M-my father... he.." But couldn't finish his sentence. Claude knew that the father of the boy beat him, he had seen a few bruises on the blonde but he had never seen Alois so shaken up about it. As he observed his boyfriend, he thought of a possible scenario of what could have happened.

"Alois, take off your clothes" he ordered, he wanted to see if his suspicions were true, he wished they weren't, how he wished they weren't.

"What?" Alois looked at Claude shocked

"Just do it." Claude ordered once more and without further complaint, the blonde got up from the couch and took off his sweater, he then began to take off his sweatpants as he let out little gaps of pain when the fabric touched his skin.

As Claude looked at his naked boyfriend before him, his stomach twitched. The blonde had handprints like bruises on each side of his hips, some bruises over his torso and some more all over his legs.

"Oh my god Alois" He said as the blonde began to cry.

Once Alois had calmed down, Claude helped him get dressed again and went to the kitchen to make some tea, once the tea was ready he came back to the living room with two cups and handed one to the blonde.

"Thanks" Alois softly said before taking a sip of the beverage.

"You said 'it happen again', what did you mean by that?" Claude asked as he took a sip of his own drink.

Alois sharply inhaled before starting to talk "My parents got divorced when I was 2, my mother remarried but I stayed to live with my father, when I was 4 years old my father raped me, I don't remember how my mother found out but as soon as she did, she took me away and I went to live with her, her new husband and her newborn baby, my little brother. I was happy living with my mother for years, until that day. I was 10 when it happened, Luka, my brother, was 6. My mother had left me in charge of Luka and told us not to go out of the house but Luka wanted to go pick flowers, I told him he couldn't go, that we could go once our mom would be back but he didn't listen. While I was making us a sandwich Luka went outside, he didn't look both ways before crossing the street and a car run him over. I ran outside when I heard the sound of the car brakes. But by the time I had ran to Luka, he was already dead." Alois paused as he whipped the tears off his cheeks. "My mother blamed me of course and a few weeks after Luka's death, she killed herself. After that, my step father took me back to my father's and ever since I came back, he had started beating me, at first it was only when he was drunk but then it was at all time, but he never raped me again, until yesterday." Alois said as he cried again.

Claude took Alois in his arms gently, trying not to hurt the boy and stroked his blonde hair "It's going to be alright, I'm here for you." He said

"Promise me you won't ever leave me Claude" Alois said as he looked up at the golden eyed man.

"I promise you." Claude said as he placed a kiss on the blonde's forehead.

Alois's phone started ringing once again, he cursed as he took out his phone.

"It's Ciel, again."

"Answer him" Claude ordered "he must be worried about you."

"Ciel?" Alois answered

"Where are you? Are you alright?!" Ciel asked at the other end of the line

"I'm at Claude's, my father beat me again, I'm sorry if I left you alone at school but I really didn't feel well, I'm better now all thanks to Claude" The blond said looking up at his boyfriend. "I'll text you later" He then added before he hung up.

"I'm happy to see that you have such a nice friend that cares about you" Claude said

"Yeah, oh now that I remember, by any chance do you know a Sebastian Michaelis?"

"Mm, yes, why? How do you know him?" Claude asked

"Because he is interested in Ciel and I want to know if he is someone Ciel can trust or not."

'He is interested in Ciel huh? Interesting', Claude thought

"Yes, he is a nice guy."

"Okay, cool." Alois said as he got up, in order to leave

"Why don't you spend the night here today?" Claude asked

"I'd love too but I have school tomorrow and I left my bag at home."

"I can go and get it for you"

"But how? My father will never let you in, Claude."

"Don't worry about it, I have my way to get in without your father noticing."

"Thank you, Claude" said the blonde as he smiled at his boyfriend.


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