Chapter 8

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Ciel stood outside the door, the tip of his right shoe smacking against the concrete floor in impatience. He knocked on the door once again only to hear a familiar voice yell "I'm coming! one second, jeez." The door opened to reveal his aunt Ann in a towel, water dripping from her wet red hair.

"Ciel? What are you doing here at this hour?" She asked crossing her arms on her chest.

"I need a place to stay" he said

She bit on her bottom lip before answering "Come on in kiddo." She moved aside so Ciel could take his suitcase and bags in.

Ciel sat on the couch as she prepared tea while he was telling her why he had to leave his house.

"I can't believe my sister" Angelina sighed as she sat down next to her nephew before handing him his cup of tea.

"So you'll let me stay here until I can convince my dad to let me move in with him?" Ciel asked as he took a sip from his tea.

"Of course kiddo, you can stay as long as you need" she said as she smiled softly. When she finished her tea, she took her cup back to the kitchen.

"I'm going to put on some clothes, then I'll let you sleep, you can sleep in my room, I'll take the couch" She said

"No Aunt Ann, you sleep in your bed, I'll sleep on the couch, really I don't mind"

His aunt gave him a smile before saying "okay, you're sweet kid, you remind me so much of your father." After what was like a minute she realized she had been lost in her thoughts and memories of Vincent and added "I'll come give you some sheets and blankets in a moment" and with that she left to her room, leaving her nephew as he finished his cup of tea and started unpacking his things.


As Sebastian opened the door he could not believe his eyes, Grell was standing in front of him, her eyes red and swollen, her makeup was smudged and was running down her cheeks, it was obvious she had been crying.

"Grell, what happened?!" Sebastian asked, letting the red-head in

"I think Will broke up with me" she said sitting on Sebastian's bed as she started crying again.

"What? Why? What happened?"

"We were talking about the concert and we started yelling at each other and then I told him about your advice and how I thought that you were right and that's when Will snapped, he became super angry and he told me to get out. I was so shocked I didn't say anything else, I just left." Grell told him as she let out exaggerated sobs.

"Oh Grell, I'm so sorry, but I'm sure Will didn't break up with you, I bet he's on his way right now to apologize to you" Sebastian said as he sat next to his friend, putting a hand on her shoulder to confront her.

"No, he isn't, he doesn't even know where I am, and even if he did, he would never apologize, he is too proud"

Sebastian stood up and said "You can stay here tonight, get some sleep, I have to go take care of something"

"Okay, Thanks Sebas-chan" Sebastian grabbed his keys and opened the door

"Wait" Grell yelled

"What is it?" Sebastian asked turning around to face her.

"Do you have make up remover?"

"Do I look like a girl?" He said with an offended look.

"Oh don't look offended, you paint your nails black, you could also use makeup in your free time"

"I do not paint my nails black" Sebastian said

"Oh please, I saw your hands this morning when you got out of the shower, no need to be ashamed, there is no shame in liking to paint your nails." Grell said looking at her own manicured red nails before adding "I never understood why you wore black gloves all the time, at first I thought that you had a skin condition or something but now I know that it is to hide your nails, what I don't understand is, why do you paint your nails if you're going to hide them underneath gloves, wouldn't it be easier not to paint them at all?"

"Okay, yeah I paint my nails black, now if you'll excuse me, I have something I need to take care of" he said before stepping out of the room. Sebastian sighed, it was better to let his friend think he painted his nails black than to have him know the truth, that his nails were black from birth because he was a half demon and all demon's nails were black? No, lying was a better option.

Sebastian parked his car in front of the brown building, as he took the elevator he tried remembering the apartment's number, was it 306 or 308?

He went with his first guess and knocked on the door of apartment 306, the door opened to reveal a tall male with neatly combed black hair, yellow green eyes with rectangle shaped glasses.

"What do you want Michaelis? It not a good time" the man said

"Well, Hello to you too, William." Sebastian said as he made his way past the man and entered the apartment.

"If you're looking for Grell, she's not here." William said.

"I know, she's at my dorm, currently sleeping on my bed because of how exhausted she was, after crying so much. How dare you break up with her?!" Sebastian said as he gritted his teeth.

"What are you talking about, I never broke up with her, I merely said she should leave."

"Well she thought you were dumping her so I suggest you go and talk to her."

"I have no need for any of your suggestions or advices. I've got it under control." Will said

When Will mentioned the advice thing, Sebastian understood everything, Will was jealous of him, that's why he snapped at Grell earlier.

"You know, you shouldn't be jealous of me, even though Grell had a crush on me before knowing you, she loves you more than anything in the world, plus I'm not interested in her, I like someone."

"I-I am not jealous" Will stated. That was a lie, he really was a bad liar.

"Yeah right." Sebastian said rolling his eyes before taking Will by the arm.

"What are you doing? Let go of me this instant!" Will yelled

"Nope, you're coming with me.You are coming back to my dorm with me so you can apologize to Grell. Oh, and bring your wallet, we are stopping for flowers on our way there."


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