Chapter 14

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Vincent got out of bed and walked in direction of the kitchen.

"Morning love" he said with a smile as he saw his lover cooking breakfast.

"Morning Schatz" Diedrich replied not taking his eyes off of the bacon that he was frying. The Englishman walked towards his lover and hugged him from behind. The German yelped "Damnit Vincent, put some clothes on, I swear to god if I burn this bacon because you distract me, I'll hit you." He grumbled. Vincent chuckled and let go of him. "You're so grumpy when it comes to food." He said as he walked back to their room to get dressed. As he was coming back to the kitchen, the doorbell rang. He went to answer the door, intrigued to know who was coming to visit him at such early hours of the morning.

"Ciel?!" Vincent said as he opened the door, he was surprised as to why his son was there. "Is everything alright?" his son nodded slowly before speaking. "I know that you're gay, Mom told me everything." His brown eyes widened but he didn't say a word, he got out of the way to let his son in before closing the door. Diedrich who was in the kitchen had heard everything, he wanted the ground to open and swallow him before his boyfriend's son could see him but sadly for the German, that did not happen. Thankfully for him, Ciel just greeted him as usual before walking towards his father's office. He sat down on the couch, his father following behind him, closing the door of his office and took a seat next to his son.

Vincent sighed "Well, I better tell you the whole story." He said as he scratched his head. "I always knew I was gay, but my Father was very homophobic. It was a different time and I knew I could never come out, but I never had a problem with that. I wasn't searching for love, my only dream was to take over my father's company once I graduated. I met Diedrich in my first year of high school; he was a transfer student from Germany and I was in charge of showing him around. I never thought that he could be gay given that he had all the girls of our year at his feet." He chuckled at the memory before resuming with his story. "I never thought I would fall in love with him; as the days passed, we became best friends but I started feeling things for him. I tried my best to keep my feelings to myself thinking that Diedrich was straight and it would ruin our friendship. I would have rather lived the rest of my life by his side as his friend than apart because I confessed my feelings, because I got the crazy idea that there was maybe a chance that he could love me back. Diedrich would go out with girls but his relationships never lasted long. One day we were at a party and we were both drunk but Diedrich was way drunker than I was; he was acting all clingy around me which wasn't normal for him. He would hug me all the time and say that he loved me. I thought he was saying it as a friend until at one moment he kissed me. I kissed him back at first but then pulled back thinking he was only doing it because of the alcohol in his system but, the next day we talked and he confessed his feelings to me, so I confessed mine too. We started dating but keeping it a secret from my father; Diedrich's parents are super open minded so they accepted us. In college, I met your mom in my business class, we became friends and discovered that our fathers were close friends so they started to arrange family meetings and in one of these family meetings, your mother confessed her love for me and my father just happened to walk by as she did and overheard everything. I didn't have the time to reject her that my father was already congratulating us so I decided to play along, I pretended that I had a romantic interest in her which caused a big fight between me and Diedrich, we almost broke up but in the end things worked out and we made up; he accepted that I was dating Rachel as a cover. By the time we finished college, our fathers asked us when we would get married so one day I just proposed to her. I kept seeing Diedrich on the side; when you came out to us last year, it was right at the moment my father got sick, it made me think a lot and when he died, I realized I had no more reason to keep my real self a secret so I asked your mother for a divorce after telling her the truth." Vincent paused to look at his son before speaking again, "I'm sorry I made you suffer with this divorce."

Ciel shook his head, speaking for the first time since the beginning of this conversation. "It's alright Dad, I'm glad you can be truly happy now. I mean of course it makes me sad that you and mom aren't together anymore and I think it's horrible how you lied to her all of these years but now I understand why you got divorced and it makes sense why you didn't want me to live here since you live with Diedrich."


As Ciel arrived home, his maids greeted him.

"Master, your friend came an hour ago, I told him he could wait in your room." One of them said. Ciel nodded and went to his room.

"Alois, how many times have I told you to call me before you stop by?" Ciel said as he opened the door but to his surprise, it wasn't Alois he found sitting on his bed, waiting for him, it was Sebastian.

"What are you doing here?" Ciel asked angrily as he closed the door. There was something Ciel Phantomhive hated more than anything, it was when people came to his house unannounced, more so people he didn't want to see.

"I needed to talk to you but and since you won't return my calls or answer my texts I had no choice but to come here." Sebastian said

"Well I don't want to talk to you, in case I wasn't clear enough my actions. Now get out of my house."

"I won't leave before you talk to me. I-I need to know if I did something to upset you? I don't understand why you stopped talking to me all of a sudden."

Ciel crossed his arms on his chest, he didn't want to explain anything to Sebastian because he knew the man could convince him to change his mind, and he didn't want that, he didn't need that. He had to stop seeing him, it would be best for both of them.

"You did nothing, I just got bored of you, now please leave."

Sebastian raised an eyebrow "I don't believe that Ciel, how weird is it that when I see a weak side of you, you disappear. I think you're afraid of letting people see your weakness and that's why you don't want to see me again."

"You know nothing, now leave!" Ciel shouted, Sebastian shook his head "No, I won't leave." He grabbed the boy's wrist to make him hear him out. Ciel felt his skin starting to burn. "Let me go!" He said firmly, trying not to show weakness.

"No! Not until you hear me out!" Sebastian yelled, his voice cold which scared Ciel, he wasn't liking this side of the man. He was starting to feel nauseous, was he in danger?

"Please let me go!" Ciel begged in a weak voice, chocking his words in the end. He placed his free hand on his mouth so he wouldn't throw up. Sebastian let go of Ciel as he saw his reaction.

"Ciel? Are you alright?" He asked worried, his tone changing completely. Ciel had now one had over his mouth and the other over his stomach, he let himself fall onto the floor, because being on his feet took too much energy. It took a moment for him to calm his breathing, thankfully he didn't throw up this time. He looked at his wrist to check if it actually had a burn mark, which it didn't but he always checked, just in case. Then, he looked up at Sebastian, blinked the tears away from his eyes before saying. "Don't touch me again." Slowly, he got up and walked towards the opposite of where the raven was and sat on the floor, bringing his knees to his chest. There was a moment of silence, none of them daring to speak.

"Alright." Ciel murmured after a while, Sebastian blinked a few times "What?"

"I said alright, I'll talk to you, but you have to let me talk. Don't interrupt me until I'm finished."

Sebastian nodded "Okay, I'm listening."


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