2. A special gift

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Saturday - 25th of April 2021

It was the day of the season 4 wrap party. Danielle and Stefania had shared the occasional text with each other but besides that, there hasn't been much contact. What they both did not know was that they were on each other's mind constantly. Danielle already missed Stefania like crazy even though she hadn't left the US just yet. She had spoken about it with her best friend Barret while they were getting ready for the wrap party at the blonde's house. Barret has known Danielle for four years now and even though Danielle had yet to admit to herself that she thought of Stefania more as a best friend, Barret always found the time and patience to listen to Danielle ramble about her feelings. Barret had never seen Danielle talk so passionately about someone other than Stefania. However, Barret knew it was important for Danielle to realize on her own account that she had feelings for the Italian woman.

"What am I going to do without Stefania? I'm just happy I get to watch and take care of Jeff while she's away", Danielle said to Barret. Barret chuckled to which the blonde responded, "it's not funny". "I just think it's cute how you're so worried about what you are going to do while Stef's away, while you can still talk to her every single day if you need to. It's not like she's going to be gone forever", Barret said with a slight reservation, knowing how sensitive this topic is for Danielle. "I know it's not the end of the world and I know I can talk to her on the phone but it's just not the same when we're together. I've gotten so used to spending time with her every week. Do you think she's going to miss me?" Danielle responded. "I'm sure she will D, you girls have a special connection", Barret responded to which Danielle's cheeks instantly responded by turning red. The blushing did not go unnoticed by her best friend but she decided not to mention it.

Danielle stayed quiet for a moment while Barret was watching their new favorite show 'La casa de papel. Suddenly Danielle jumped of the couch and ran upstairs and screamed "I'll be right back". Once she had returned, Barret looked at Danielle expectantly wondering what had gotten into the blonde's chaotic mind. Danielle's hands were full of different colored and textured papers, different pens and markers and a tiny box with a jungle themed print on it. Writing little notes for each other had kind of become their thing. Stefania would leave notes and candy in Danielle's trailer while Danielle would leave notes with some dog treats for Stefania and Jeff. "I'm going to write her some notes and put them in this box. I'll write notes for different occasions, for when she's sad, when she misses Jeff or maybe for when she misses me", Danielle said with a hopeful but excited smile. "That's a great idea D! Can I write one as well?", Barret asked. "Yes of course", she replied. They still had a few hours till the wrap party anyways, so they decided to fill their time with writing notes and watching tv.

Danielle blushed and laughed at Barret's note saying, "I can't put this in the box, you'll just embarrass me." Though secretly, the blonde loved the note.

"Hey Stefania,
You should see how cute and involved Danielle is right now writing all of these notes for you. She's smiling like a fool writing these notes for you. I figured you'd want to see some embarrassing pictures and moments of Danielle since you might actually miss her, or maybe not. She can be annoying sometimes. I've got plenty of them, even from before you came on Station 19 so please, if you need to have a laugh, do text me. I'll gladly share them with you even though Danielle is going to hate me for it. We should get together with Danielle and Jaina once you're back!
Love ya! – Barret"

Once Danielle had written her notes and put them in envelopes, she decided to print out some of her favorite pictures of the two of them. She suddenly felt very self-conscious and was scared the Italian would get the wrong idea if it was just pictures of them. So she decided to print out some random pictures with the cast as well just to make it a little less 'personal'. Which was ironic since Danielle had written a note of which the title on the envelope was 'confessions', the most personal note of them all. Danielle had felt a sudden surge of confidence once she had written the note. She added some Hershey kisses in the box, one of her favorites and decided to seal of the box before she lost that surge of confidence. Danielle knew that if that happened before closing the box, she would've taken the 'confessions' note out.

Right after Danielle had sealed of the box, she received a text from her favorite Italian.
Stefania <3: Hi bella! Are you excited for the party? Can we have the sleepover at your house tonight? I want Jeff to get used to your house a bit more.

Danielle's stomach got all fuzzy and warm reading Stefania's text. She quickly typed a message back.
Bella <3: Hi beautiful! I'm so excited for our sleepover tonight. Of course we can stay at mine. I'm excited to cuddle with Jeff tonight! How about you come at six tonight and we can leave together with Barret since she's getting ready at mine.

Danielle saw the three dots coming back on the screen immediately making her excited which resulted in a little shoulder dance. Barret glanced over at her best friend with a grin on her face. "Oh shut up" was all Danielle said because her phone pinged with a message from Stefania.
Stefania <3: Just Jeff? I don't know if I wanna have a sleepover anymore then. I'll just leave Jeff at your place and I'll just go home after the wrap party.

Danielle chuckled at the message and quickly responded.
Bella <3: Don't be silly, you can have some cuddle time with Jeff and me as well <3. See you at 6 beautiful.

Danielle dragged Barret upstairs to get ready for the wrap party. They had an hour and a half to get ready. Both girls did their makeup and hair in the blonde's bathroom. Barret had already brought her outfit, but Danielle was struggling to choose between two dresses. Barret ended up helping the blonde pick out her dress cause they would've been late if she didn't help out. Danielle looked at herself in the mirror with her red dress that covered her curves beautifully if she had to say so herself. The short sleeved dress had ruffles on the end and a split on the left side of her dress just above the knee.

A few minutes later, the doorbell rang. Danielle suddenly got nervous knowing very well the beautiful Italian was on the other side of the door. She opened the door and saw Stefania in a black pant suit with white heels and a white lace top. The blonde couldn't help herself by looking at the blonde, up and down. All she could say was "woah", while blushing as she looked back into the brunette's eyes.

Author's note

Thank you for the kind words on my first chapter. Here's another chapter, hope you enjoy :)

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