12. An improptu letter

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Wednesday 6th of May 2021

It was early in the morning for the American as she was slowly waking up from a sound, she didn't recognize at first. She slowly opened her eyes, not wanting to be blinded by the light. She saw Jeff peacefully sleeping on the foot end of the bed. "Where is this sound coming from?" realizing as she questioned this out loud, that she fell asleep while facetiming Stefania. She rolled over and figured out where the sound was coming from. Turned out Stefania had decided to fall asleep with Danielle as well over facetime, just a few hours later.

The Italian had positioned her phone so that she was visible on the camera. She was turned towards the camera, looking extremely peaceful and calm. Her long brown locks were all over the place, yet she was still the most beautiful woman in her eyes. Danielle chuckled, finding it endearing how this gorgeous woman could look so beautiful and relaxed, while snoring quite loudly. She quickly screen recorded the facetime call for a few seconds so she could embarrass the brown haired woman when she'd wake up.

"Jeff, come on baby, let's go potty," Jeff instantly looked up and jumped on the blonde, letting out a scream. Stefania stirred awake because of the sounds on the other end of the phone, Danielle noticing immediately. "Shh, you're okay beautiful. You're safe. Go back to sleep," she tried to talk her back to sleep. "Don't leave," Stefania mumbled, butterflies making an appearance, "I'm not going anywhere," she replied with a soft smile on her face.

She muted her microphone so that she wouldn't wake up the Italian anymore. She made her way to her bathroom, quickly freshening up. "Why do I look so puffy?" she mumbled to herself. "Ugh, I hate this," realizing she was about to get her period. Danielle's periods were always tough, especially the first two days. Sometimes she feels so sick that she's bound to her bed and couch.

Feeling yuck, she opted for a comforting look with some sweatpants and an oversized hoodie, even though the weather was quite warm today. It was cloudy yet very humid. Once she stepped outside, she put in her AirPods, still able to hear the breath and occasional snores from the Italian. It calmed the blonde and made her feel like Stefania was with her to some degree.

Jeff was happily running through the grass, fetching the stick that the blonde just threw. The dog and blonde made a great team. Jeff was so used to Danielle now that she listened to the blonde, therefore Jeff was allowed to run off leash. "Jeff, come here," turning around to walk back home after an hour.

She kicked her shoes off, grabbed the blanket off of the couch and made herself comfortable. She positioned her phone on the table so that she could still see the Italian while watching tv at the same time. Stefania started mumbling in her sleep which made Danielle mute the tv so she could focus on her. "No, no, come back," she mumbled, tossing and turning.

After a few seconds, she heard her name coming from Stefania's mouth, not knowing if she was awake or not so she let it slide. "Hmm, bella," she continued mumbling. Danielle was curious as to what the blonde was dreaming about. She did say her name so it was about her, right?

Then she heard the word that fell from her lips frequently while filming, "Baciami,". She couldn't help it and started blushing. "She's just dreaming Dani, don't make this a thing," she whispered to herself. Just then Stefania started to wake up and groggily said "Don't make what a thing?"

"Good morning beautiful! Nothing," she lied.
"Oh god, was I sleep talking? What did I say?" Stefania asked embarrassedly holding her hands in front of her face. "Hey, don't hide you're pretty face," she said while laughing.

The Italian didn't remove her hands, "I,'m not going to tell you if you were sleep talking if you don't show me your face," she said daringly. Stefania sighed and removed her hands, giving the American a shy smile.

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