24. Danielle had a nightmare

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Wednesday 10th of June 2021

"Good morning my love," Danielle whispered as Stefania was starting to wake up. She felt Stefania smile against her neck as she nuzzled in closer. "Hmm," she groaned, not wanting to completely wake up yet.

She snuggled closer to her koala who was clinging onto her more now that she was half awake. This was one of her new favorite places to be, snuggled up with Stefania. She pressed a soft kiss on her forehead.

Danielle had been up a while, scrolling through her phone to distract herself. Trying to distract her from the task at hand. Calling her mom.

She hadn't been on social media since she arrived and was shocked to see all of the posts they had tagged her in, both on Instagram and Twitter. The clip of her kissing her tinder date had spread like fire.

There wasn't anything she could do about it anymore. Truthfully, she was waiting for it to happen. It was bound to happen. That YouTube video was posted long before Station 19, when she wasn't as well known.

It was when she booked the job, that she asked the girl to take down the video. Even though her and the girl didn't work out and they only dated twice, the girl was respectful enough to delete the video.

How that snippet of them kissing got back onto the Internet, she didn't know. Why that fan suddenly decided to share that clip online was beyond her. It was only a matter of time before Stefania would see it too.

She didn't want to assume but she had a strong prediction that Stefania's jealousy was going to make a reappearance again. No matter how much she loved the Italian, the jealousy was something that she really didn't want to deal with today.

Other tagged posts were about Stefania. Fans were questioning Danielle if she knew how the Italian was, not knowing if she was alive after the earthquakes. Thousands of fans had expressed their worries about Stefania.

Stefania hadn't posted anything on social media since the earthquake. Her last post had been a story where she tagged Leco in, showing that they had arrived in Italy before the earthquakes.

"Right, okay baby, we have a busy day ahead. Wake up," she gently said, caressing the brunette's back. Stefania wasn't having any of it as her grip on the blonde grew stronger, if that was even possible.

Danielle let out a muffled laugh, "You're cute," she lovingly said. There was no response from the brunette, just some steady breaths. Danielle tried to get out of her grip, "Noooo," Stefania mumbled like a baby.

Stefania moved herself so she was laying on top of Danielle. The blonde laughed as she tried to wrestle the brunette off of her. "Stef, get off of me," she shrieked.

The brunette's eyes met hers, she had a devilish look in her face that did not quite meet her eyes. "Cuddles first," Stefania announced. "Stef, we've been cuddled up for a while and we have things to do," she said as she put her hand on her cheek, her thumb caressing her skin.

"That face you're making isn't always going to work," pointing at Stefania's pouty lips and puppy eyes. "Fine, then I'm showering alone," she said bluntly. This would be their first time showering together. She wouldn't miss out on an opportunity like that.

She gasped dramatically resulting in a loud laugh from Stefania. Danielle snaked her arms around her waist, "No you're not," she warningly said. "Then cuddle me bambina," excitement lacing her voice, knowing that she won.

The blonde brought her closer, bare chests rubbing against each other. Stefania nuzzled her face back into Danielle's neck, enjoying every trace that she felt from the finger of the blonde. "Why do we have a busy day today?" Stefania asked.

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