26. These damn hormones

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Thursday 11th of June 2021

A day had passed since the phone call with her mother. The moment she woke up, last day's events came crashing into her. It was almost like her mind hadn't let her process it the day before.

Adding onto her having to process the phone call, her period was due today now too. Danielle's periods were always a struggle for her. The cramps and amount of blood loss sometimes made her so sick that she would get too weak to even leave the bed.

Not to mention her mood that could change in a matter of seconds. She hated having her period. It made her overthink everything even more. It made her more insecure. Sadly, it made her close off from the people around her. More so to protect them.

But closing herself off right now, wasn't really an option seeing she was staying at the Spampinato's. Plus, for the first time, she didn't want to be alone. Even if she was scared of being a burden or hurting the Italian in the process.

She had noticed Stefania taking extra care of her since the morning. Bringing her breakfast in bed, giving her lots of kisses and even a foot massage.

Foot massages had kind of become a running joke between them as Stefania had joked about it once in their lives. This morning was actually the first foot massage that was physically exchanged.

Feet disgusted Danielle, even her own. For some reason however, she didn't mind with Stefania and she had actually enjoyed her massage. She enjoyed it so much that she fell asleep again.

When she woke up from her not so short nap, she knew for sure that her period had started. Her cramps were so bad that she clutched onto her own stomach, curling up in a ball.

She called for Stefania but there was no answer. Tears filling her eyes. She didn't know why but she wanted Stefania. She needed Stefania. Ever since they'd confessed their feelings for one another, she felt more vulnerable.

It was like she had finally allowed herself to fully feel again. To open herself up so much that it felt like Stefania could rip her heart out at any moment. It was scary to say the least.

Though for the first time in her life, she felt like she found the one. Frankly, she knew she found the one the moment they'd met.

The only person who she would ever give her full heart too. The one person she would, could and wanted to call her home.

She checked her phone and saw a text message:

My koala <3: Bambina, you looked so peaceful while sleeping that I didn't wanna wake you. I have to run some errands with papa. I promise I'll be back soon. There's some pain meds in the bathroom next to the pads and tampons. I miss you already my bambina xoxo

The tears that were in her eyes were now falling down her cheek. She hated how emotional she'd get during her period. Stefania knew how Danielle's periods were so it was heartwarming to her how she'd thought of putting the supplies in the bathroom.

She mustered up the strength she needed to get up. Some people had called her dramatic over the years when it came to her period, nine out of the ten times they were men. Obviously.

Like Stefania had texted, she had made sure to put all of the essentials on the bathroom counter. A small smile appearing on her face when she saw Stefania had left a small note:

My bambina, have I ever told you how beautiful you are? You leave me in awe of your beauty every single day. Don't ever forget that <3

Stefania knew her too well. She looked at herself in the mirror. In her eyes, looking swollen and bloated. She read the note again and looked back up at the mirror.

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