27. She is the one mama

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Friday 12th of June 2021

If they weren't in their own bubble before, they certainly were now. It was blissful to say the least. Neither ever having been more in love with  another and with anyone truthfully.

Now that things were official, Stefania felt like this was the perfect time to take Danielle to her mama's grave. She would just have to ask if Danielle was feeling okay enough to go today.

"Bambina," Stefania walked over to Danielle who was watching tv with her papa. She was holding onto the warm water bag that was under her shirt, still experiencing cramps.

Danielle saw Mr. Spampinato slightly grinning at his daughter using words of endearment in his presence. It showed him that she felt safe enough and comfortable to be herself around him.

He made a mental note to visit his wife's grave. Every once in a while he visited her grave to update her on their children. He wanted to let her know how proud he was of Stefania.

Not to mention how proud he was of himself and his wife for being such great parents. It wasn't like a cocky proud. Every parent wants their child to be happy, healthy, loved and accepted.

Let alone wanting their child to feel safe and comfortable enough to be themselves around parents. Stefania showing that she was, meant that they succeeded as parents.

There are no perfect parents. He sure knew he wasn't always the best parent he could have been. So it was all the more rewarding to see his daughter this carefree.

Danielle looked up at her girlfriend, "Yeah babe?"
Stefania felt weak in the knees when those blue eyes met her brown ones. She sauntered her way over to Danielle, a shy smile on her face.

The couch was big enough for three people to sit on. All three people in that living room, knew Stefania wouldn't use the actual couch space to sit down. She pressed a quick kiss on her pink lips before sitting down on her lap.

She felt Danielle's strong arms snake around her waist making her melt in her embrace. Her head rested on her shoulder, taking in Danielle's smell. "How are you feeling?" her voice muffled.

Danielle looked over at the man in the room, who gave her a reassuring nod. He knew the question his daughter was about to ask. Even if her papa hadn't given her permission to bring the American to her mama's grave, she still would've.

She had just told her papa out of respect. However she knew, that he wasn't going to stop her from going with Danielle. "I'm better, just some cramps. Why?" she replied.

"Do I have to have a reason to ask my girlfriend how she is?" Stefania said with a smirk, loving that she can finally call Danielle hers. Danielle couldn't help but copy her girlfriend's smirk.

"I guess not," she squeezed her waist, "But, I know you better than this so spill it Spampinato," she slightly tickled the brunette. Stefania squealed as she tried to wriggle her way out of her hold.

Mr. Spampinato laughed at their interaction and was soon met with a pillow to his face. Completely taken by surprise, both women throwing their head back laughing. He pointed his finger to them, "You'll regret this,"

Her papa laughed and made his way to the kitchen, wanting to give the women some privacy. Stefania innocently shrugged her shoulders and brought her gaze back to the blonde.

"Remember when I asked you to come visit my mama?" she softly asked. "Of course I do," Danielle nodded before continuing, "we can go whenever you want beautiful" She put her hand on Stefania's tanned cheek, caressing her with her thumb.

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