9. Girls' night

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Tuesday 27th of April 2021 (evening)

The facetime call lifted both women's spirits. If it wasn't for girls' night, Danielle would've stayed on call with Stefania as long as she could. For some reason she felt like things were different between them since the wrap of the last season. Not in a negative way per se, but she could not quite wrap her finger around it. She liked the 'change' in their dynamic.

The sound of the doorbell filled the house to which Jeff instantly responded, waking up and barking towards the door. "Shh Jeff, it's just the girls," she said while making her way to the front door. She opened the door and was met with Jaina who had her arms already open, bringing the blonde in for a hug, "Ahhh! Get in here Savre,". Danielle returned her hug tightly, realizing how much she'd missed her best friend. "Hey Jai," she chuckled, inviting her back in.

Barret was known for her lack of time management, so it did not come as a surprise that she was running late tonight as well. "How have you been?" Jaina asked as she made herself comfortable on the couch, patting the space next to her for Danielle to take a seat. A simple yet loaded question for the blonde, cause quite honestly, she did not know how she was holding up.

She started fidgeting with her hands, making Jaina feel worried "Dani, what's wrong?". "Let's wait for Barret, okay? It's actually something I wanna talk about," she answered, looking up and giving her friend a reassuring smile. Jaina had an inkling of what this could be about. Knowing what a sensitive topic it was, she decided to let Danielle bring it up herself whenever she was comfortable, "Okay D, just tell us when you're ready," which resulted a nod from Danielle.

Just ten minutes later Barret barged in the house, scaring the two women inside, "What the hell Barret!", Danielle screamed, resulting in a laughter fit from Barret. Jeff made her way from Danielle's bedroom to Barret, jumping up on her, excited because of the commotion. She was surprised by Jeff jumping up on her "Hey Jeffie, what are you doing here?" she said in a high pitched tone.

Danielle made her way towards her friend, "Sorry I forgot to tell you guys, it was kind of a last minute thing," she said while hugging her friend. "This baby is staying with me while Stefania is away, aren't you baby?" while crouching down and petting the dog. Barret made her way to Jaina, hugging her before dramatically letting herself fall on the couch.

After an hour or so, the three women were done with dinner and their small talk. Danielle was nervous to open up to her friend, scared of admitting her feelings out loud. She tried so hard to repress her feelings, though she knew perfectly well what her feelings meant. Having written some down in a certain letter anyways. She just did not know how to bring it up herself, so she opted for something that they all love doing, a classic game of truth or dare.

"How about a game of truth or dare?", the blonde suggested, resulting in clapping from the girls. "One shot if you don't answer the question and two shots if you don't do the dare?" Jaina asked to make the rules clear. "Yes! Let's make it juicy, okay? I wanna hear some tea," Barret said, knowing full well that both Jaina and Danielle had some unspoken feelings that she was waiting to hear about. A nervous laugh escaped Danielle's mouth, which did not go unnoticed by her two friends.

Before her friends could use the nervous laugh as an excuse for her to go first, she made Jaina go first. "Truth or dare?", she pointed to Jaina, "Truth!" she responded. Danielle put her finger to her chin, slightly tapping it while thinking of a question. "I got it," she excitedly said, "Do you have a crush on one our castmates and if so, who?"

"Ohh, you're mean D, asking that question. However," Jaina replies with a cheeky smile, "but I'll bite. Barret and Danielle looked at her expectantly, "Go on then," they both said. "Boris and I kissed, yesterday actually,". Danielle threw a pillow at her, while Barret punched her arm. "What the hell J, how did that happen?" the blonde asked her friend.

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