8. Ou- your baby

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Tuesday 27th of April 2021

The bedroom was met with darkness as it was storming outside. Danielle was slowly starting to wake up as she heard a loud bang and felt a dog jumping on the bed who quickly made her way to lay on top of her chest. Jeff let herself fall down on the blonde, her butt dropping on Danielle's face. "Get your ass out of my face now,", she said while trying to push Jeff's butt out of her face. She felt the dog shaking and remembered how Jeff was scared of thunder. She sat up against the headboard of the bed, scooping Jeff in her arms, cradling the fluffball like a baby. "You'll be okay baby girl, it'll pass soon," she said while grabbing her phone from her nightstand.

Her face instantly lit up seeing a text from her favorite brunette. She quickly opened it, seeing a photo of her holding the first letter she was allowed to open. Her eyes instantly drawn to the brunette's long and slim fingers. Once she brought her eyes back to the letter, she noticed some tear stains on the paper. She felt her anxiety bubbling up, scared of the reason for the tear stains. As her body tensed up by the anxiety taking over her body, she felt herself quickly relaxing while finally reading the text Stefania sent alongside the photo.

Stefania <3: I'm speechless bella. Just know that I appreciate you so much xoxo

A smile crept on her face, quickly wanting to type a response back but was interrupted by the doorbell ringing. Jeff swiftly jumped up, resulting in a painful grouch from the blonde as Jeff put her full weight on her upper chest. 'I didn't order anything,' Danielle thought while getting up out of the bed, making her way to the front door. Walking through her living room, she made a note to clean up the house before the girls come over tonight.

As she opened the door, she heard "I got a delivery from Danielle Savre. Please sign here," while he stretched out his hand with a tablet to the woman. Taking the tablet from the delivery man, she quickly signed whilst the delivery man walked back towards his van. She was surprised to see him walking back with a rather big basket that was covered in a see through foil. "Thank you," she said while taking over the basket from the delivery man, quickly shutting the door behind her.

She made her way to the kitchen, putting the basket on the counter, wanting to let the dog out in the backyard first. Once Jeff was finished, she dried the dog off with a towel before allowing her to come back in.

Back at the kitchen counter, she turned her attention the basket in front of her. Opening the see through foil, she was met with a lot of candy and some dog treats. She was surprised by the dog treats she saw, since only Stefania and her sister knew of a dog staying in her care. Looking back in the basked she saw tons of different chocolate bars, candy bars, packets of gummy worms, chocolate chip cookies and more. Every person who knew Danielle, personally or online, knew that the way to her heart was through food but more specifically, candy.

There was a sudden loud bang which made the blonde tense up a bit as she was brought out of her candy trance. She felt something hairy push against her legs. Looking down she saw a shaking Jeff, scared of the loud bang that the thunder had just created. She picked up Jeff and said, "You're okay baby. Let's see who send us this," while grabbing the card that was resting on a bag of skittles.


'Dear bella,

You continue to surprise me with your giving heart, your thoughtful gifts, and your everlasting positivity. Thank you for opening your home for my baby. It's a relief to not have to worry about her, knowing she's safe with you. Take care of each other while I'm not there. Don't get into trouble!

I miss you already.

xoxo, Stefania'


A stray tear fell down her cheek as she felt many different emotions at once. Reading that note made her heart melt, the familiar warm feeling building up inside her stomach. She hugged Jeff tightly trying to comprehend what she was feeling. Stefania's gesture caught her by surprise, but it was something she could've seen coming, knowing full well that they always surprise each other.

Instead of texting Stefania she decided to video herself. She put Jeff back on the ground who felt safe enough to lay down in her bed in the living room. Opening her camera, she checked out herself first before pressing record. "Hi beautiful," she said in an octave higher, "thank you thank you thank youuu, for your sweet surprise," flipping the camera around to show Stefania the basket. "Ohh ohhh," she said running to her living room showing a sleeping Jeff. "Here's ou- your baby," quickly correcting herself. "I'm not going to wake her up, it's been storming outside so she's been anxious and has finally fallen asleep again," she said while dropping down to the floor sitting down next to the dog. She flipped the camera again, now talking into the camera "We'll be enjoying your gift beautiful. Thank you again and hopefully see you soon. Hope you slept well. Oh, and good morning," blowing a kiss into the camera and pressing the button to stop recording.

For the remainder of the day Danielle tidied up her house, taking out the trash, vacuuming, doing her laundry and setting up the table with some snacks and games for later. Before getting ready she took Jeff out for a long walk. After her shower she opted for a comfy look, knowing it was just going to be Jaina and Vic coming over to chill and talk. She put on her black leggings with a bright green Nike hoodie. She went over to the couch and flopped down on it, turning on the tv, waiting for the girls to come over which would still take two hours.

Meanwhile in Brazil, Stefania had just woken up. She had a terrible night with lots of turning and twisting. Partially due to the jetlag but also because she couldn't stop wondering of what the letter 'Confessions' was about. It was now 12pm, four hours earlier than LA. She felt good being back in Brazil, Brazil almost felt like a third home to her. Having visited so often and having so many friends here, she got familiarized with the country and its culture. Plus, the weather was always a big plus as it was almost always sunny. She loved the sun and the warm weather. If it was up to her, she would want it to be warm and sunny every day of the year.

She grabbed her phone from the nightstand next to the hotel bed and made her way to desk that was underneath the tv, opposite of the bed. The Italian called room service, ordering some croissants and a coffee. Waiting for her breakfast, she made her way to the balcony where she sat down in the chair, pulling her legs up and resting them on the coffee table in front of her.

As she unlocked her phone, she saw a message from Leco saying that he'll be at the hotel late afternoon to pick her up. Stefania then opened Danielle's message and was taken by surprise since she had sent a video. She'd never done that before; however, she was more than happy because she's missed the blonde's face a lot already. Stefania felt like a fool while smiling at her phone for the full length of Danielle's video.

It's the little things that she does that mean the most and make the difference. The way Danielle knew Jeff feared thunder and made sure she was okay. It's the way her eyebrows furrowed as she almost slipped up saying 'our baby'. The way she blew a kiss at the end of the video. Was it bad that she secretly wanted to feel the warmth of that kiss on her cheek?

Trying to snap out of the intrusive thought that just happened, she decided to try and facetime the American. Not even two rings later, the beautiful blonde appeared on the screen. "Well, this is a nice surprise, hi pretty girl" the blonde said. Stefania felt herself blushing and felt drawn and lost looking at the ocean blue eyes she missed so much, "Hi bambina," she managed to get out, slightly feeling embarrassed. They talked for an hour before Danielle had to end the call since it was almost time for girl's night. "Bye angel, I miss you,", the blonde said, suddenly feeling shy as she called Stefania angel. She saw Stefania's mouth crinkle into a smile as she waved towards the camera saying "Bye bella, I miss you too," before hanging up the call.


Little bit of a longer chapter. I felt celebratory today since I became an aunt and got offered a new job! - also, I feel so single writing this 😂

Thank you for all your sweet words on yesterday's chapter. Hope you enjoy this one. <3

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