20. The talk

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The same day

The nerves had taken over for both women as they were strolling around Stefania's neighborhood. There was some small talk but the actual conversation had not taken place yet. "Have you had breakfast yet?" the brunette looked up to the blonde who nodded her head no.

The American had been in awe of her surroundings. This was the most sightseeing she had been able to properly do. "It's so beautiful here," as she paused to stand in front of an old church. "I could see myself living here in the future when I'm old," she continued.

Stefania felt warm inside, surprised by the comment Danielle had just made. Her mind wandered off to a possible future in Italy with her when they were grey and old. The thought made her feel conflicted. It would make her happy to no end, yet at the same time she was scared. Scared that she saw a future with the blonde. Would they really work?

The Italian led them to a little cafe that she used to go to as a kid, "Let's have some breakfast. It was my mama's favorite cafe," squeezing the blonde's hand. "Is this you asking me out on a date Ms. Spampinato?" giving her a wink.

It was easier to retort to playful banter. It felt natural to them and it made the butterflies overpower their nerves. "Danielle, you know I'm a romantic at heart. I would never ask you out on a date like this," she said.

Danielle loosened her grip in Stefania's hand, almost feeling sad, thinking that she wasn't going to be asked on a date at all. She sometimes hated that she was so sensitive. To her it felt like emotions hit her ten times harder than most people sometimes.

The Italian immediately noticed the change in the woman next to her. She stopped walking, "Look at me," Stefania said. "Don't get lost in your head, Bella. I know you. Please don't assume or overanalyze this okay?"

Danielle nodded in response as she tried to repress those feelings. But why should she? Shouldn't they be talking about their feelings? Isn't that what this whole walk is about?

They were walking through a park. It was sunny and warm outside. Danielle walked over to a bench in front of a water fountain. The sound of the water calmed her. Stefania was puzzled as to why the blonde had led them here.

Stefania looked at Danielle expectantly. Danielle couldn't keep her thoughts to herself anymore. "I'm scared," she confessed. A silence fell between them as they looked each other in the eyes.

The park was rather quiet, the two women being the only people present right now. The only sounds that could be heard was the water from the fountain and the chirping from the birds around them.

"I'm scared too, bambina. I don't know what any of this means," pointing between the two of them. Stefania sighed, not knowing how to continue. Fearful of her own feelings and of how Danielle would react.

"Why were you crying this morning?" she whispered. Danielle sighed, "I guess meeting your family was overwhelming in a way," Stefania nodded emphatically.

She continued, "I felt so welcome and warm being with you and your family. It almost made me envious of you. Which I know is bad, and I'm sorry. Seeing how emotionally invested your family is with you and each other, especially your papa," Danielle's eyes started to well up with tears.

She blinked her tears away while looking up at the sky. Stefania waited patiently for her to continue, her heart hurting for Danielle. She had never heard Danielle talk about her family often. If she did, it was positive but there was never really any depth. At least not when she spoke about her parents.

Danielle felt her hand being squeezed which brought a small smile to her face. "It made me sad that my family would probably not be as inviting to you if I would let you meet them," she admitted.

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