32. My dearest bambina

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A 13 hour plane ride. A flight that normally has zero impact on her. She loved flying. It gave her a sense of freedom which is ironic when one thinks about it. Stuck in a confined space, with no way to escape. Yet so freeing once in the air.

'The diary of Anne Frank' laid unopened on her lap. Too distracted to focus. Her mind only on one thing only. Rather one person. Stefania. The mere thought of her instantly making her tear up. She reached down for her pale brown leather handbag, searching for some tissues.

Glad that she was privileged enough to fly business. Grateful for the privacy as she softly weeped like a baby. Slightly getting annoyed, having trouble finding her tissues. Fumbling through her fully packed handbag her eye caught a gold paper box. A neatly tied black ribbon around it.

"Stef," she whispered to herself, trying to clean herself up before opening the box. Slightly embarrassed at the sound that came from blowing her runny nose. With nine more hours to go, she made herself comfortable with her blanket and pillow.

Hugging herself tightly as she took in the scent of Stefania's oversized black hoodie that she stole. With permission, of course. As her tears started ebbing away, she took a deep breath in and out.

Once the paper box was opened, Danielle was met with a surprise of colorful and glitter confetti. A big smile appearing on her face. Filled with Hershey kisses, just like she had done for Stefania before. Little things like this already made the bubbly blonde the happiest. Stefania knew the way to her heart.

Beautiful vintage pastel colored envelopes were neatly wrapped up in another ribbon. The care and effort that Stefania had made almost made her feel guilty for how thrown together her gift was. Even though she knew it was more about the gesture than the presentation.

She brushed her finger over the envelopes, instantly recognizing the smell instantly as she brought them up to her nose. Stefania's perfume, 'The only one' by Dolce and Gabbana. A puzzled look crossed her face as her eyes landed on a black notebook, detailed with golden marble effect. Accompanied with a black pen.

The first envelope read, '#1 - amore mio', written in Stefania's cursive handwriting. She took a deep breath before opening the letter. Her eyes sparkling while reading the first three words:

My dearest bambina,

It's my turn now to gift you, your gift back. A gift that was so special and helpful to me that it only seemed fair to give you back the same thing, don't you think?  I feel like you are so much better with your words but I do promise to try live up to your beautiful, meaningful and amazing words.

The last two weeks have been the greatest gift to me, even through all the darkness. You were the light to my darkness that I knew I needed, but was too scared to reach out to. It may sound cheesy and cliche but, you, my Danielle, are my sunshine.

You and I, us, it's scary. The distance between us right now, it's scary. The thought about our life in LA never being the same again, is scary. The thought of not being able to seek your comfort, is scary. The thought of not being able to directly be there for you, is scary. No matter how scary those feelings are, I am willing to take that risk for and with you.

The way you make me want to express myself is new. It's cringy in a way but it's simply because I am not used to these feelings anymore. Not to mention that these feelings are the strongest ones I've ever felt when it comes to a romantic partner. You make me want to be vulnerable. You make me want to open up my heart. Thank you for reminding me and showing me how beautiful and special love is when it's the right person. You, amore mio, are that person for me.

Moving on to the the gift itself.. The rules you set up for my gift are the same as yours. I do have one other request or so to say, rule. In every letter, there is an task that I have given you. I need you to do those tasks for me. Some you'll use the notebook for and some, well, you'll just have to see.

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