29. I'm scared

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The same day

"Go to sleep my love," Stefania stroked her thumb over her girlfriends thigh. They still had four more hours of driving and the blonde was having difficulty to stay awake.

Danielle's eyes felt heavy as she was trying to fight her sleep so she could keep Stefania company. "You're not here to hold me," she groggily said with a childlike pout on her face. "Bambina," she chuckled, "my hand is on your thigh, I am holding you," squeezing her thigh to reassure her.

A small smile crossed the blonde's face. Stefania had a habit of taking things too literal sometimes. One would think that it could cause friction between the two but so far Danielle thought of it as funny and endearing.

She tried to get herself comfortable, shifting in her seat so that her back was facing the door so that she was facing the brunette. Because of the continues movement, Stefania had lifted her hand from the blonde's thigh and rested it on her own.

Once she got herself situated, she reached for the brunette's hand. She placed it between the middle of her thighs so that her hand would be secured. Not wanting the Italian to have the possibility to retract her hand once more. Once she was happy with the hand placement, she hugged Stef's arm as much as she could.

"You're such a baby Danielle," Stefania giggled. Danielle would normally cringe at hearing her full name coming out of the brunette's mouth but the way it was said now was full of love. She let out a content sigh, "I love you," she whispered before closing her eyes. "Ti amo, amore mio," she heard just before she drifted off in a peaceful sleep.

Stefania looked over at the beautiful woman next to her. How did she get so lucky? It was a question that crossed her mind at least once everyday. There really was no place she'd rather be. No one had ever made her feel the way that Danielle made her feel.

Danielle made her feel cherished to a point where she felt like she could never be able to reciprocate it to the same extent. It almost became a daily night routine for Danielle to give her a massage wherever the brunette felt a knot on that day. There was never an ulterior motive apart from wanting to make her girlfriend feel good and comfortable.

One of the Italian's favorite feelings was whenever the American played with her hair. Whether it was braiding her hair, twirling strands of her hair or just massaging her scalp. The tingling sensations it gave her were calming.

Not to mention the tingling sensation she got whenever Danielle found a way to gift her new flowers almost everyday. Sometimes they were hand picked when they walked through a park. Some day's the blonde would ask her papa for help who gladly helped his Cara. He loved the way Danielle treated his daughter.

Danielle always found a way to put the spotlight back on Stefania whenever Stefania tried to do something for her. It was one of the many reasons she loved her girlfriend so much. Danielle never failed to impress her, even after all these years.

Her cheeks turned a slight shade of red, flushed thinking back to precisely a moment like that.


Stefania had prepared a simple yet, hopefully, memorable first date. Even though most people of Sicily respected her privacy, she did not want to take the risk of being seen with Danielle. Their relationship was something that she wanted to keep for herself.

Even though they did slip up in the park a couple of  days before. She was relieved that no one had seen them. At least, not that she was aware of. So this time, she opted for a place where they could have their privacy, a place so secluded that it was quite an adventure to get to.

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