7. I need a distraction

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Monday 26th of April 2021

It had only been a day since the two costars had spent time together and both were already struggling. They had both texted a bit but sadly it wasn't as often as Danielle would've liked. She understood though, the Italian had to prepare for her trip. She didn't expect for it to have such a big effect on her. It felt like her chest was aching and like she somehow couldn't breathe properly. She knew these were signs of her anxiety, she just hoped they wouldn't lead to her having a panic attack.

She had tried to put things in perspective so she could figure out why it was having such a big effect on her. She figured it might be due to Stefania not being in reach for her anymore. She couldn't call or text Stefania to come over if she needed her to and she felt like she couldn't protect her.

Even though putting things in perspective helped, she knew there was more to it. She had come to that conclusion a while back but just shot those feelings down. Deep down, Danielle was aware that her feelings for the Italian weren't just 'best friends' feeling. She shoved those feelings down because she feared feeling them. She feared getting hurt again. Feared hurting Stefania. With Stefania now being gone for a few months, it felt like her feelings overpowered her. All crashing down on her. She knew she had to talk about it with someone. She needed a distraction.

Groupchat: Besties <3

Danielle: I need a distraction. I need a girls night. I need you to come over tomorrow night. 

Jaina: Yesss! I could use one myself. I'll bring some food. Vic, will you bring the drink?

Vic: Why do I never get a say in this?

Danielle: Because you love us and you know you want to. See you at 6 tomorrow?

Vic: Ha-ha, funny Savre. I'll bring the booze. See ya <3


Meanwhile the Italian just got into the car, on her way to the airport. Her suitcases in the backseat. Her hand luggage with her in the backseat with the gift safely tucked inside. She had to try her hardest not to cheat with the rules Danielle gave her for her gift. It took everything in here to not have opened it when she got home yesterday. The feelings of guiltiness sometimes creeping up on her because Danielle had put in so much effort for a gift, while Stefania hadn't gotten anything in return. She took out her phone and ordered a surprise for the blonde that would arrive tomorrow.

As she arrived the airport and got through security, she made her way to the gate since she was running a bit late. Once at the gate she quickly texted Danielle:

Stefania <3: Hi bella, I'm almost boarding the plane. I can't wait to open the gift. I'll text you once I've arrived <3


Jeff was walking next to the blonde while they were out for their evening walk. Jeff was a well behaved dog. She didn't expect anything different since she had an amazing mama. The presence of Jeff has tremendously helped Danielle so far. She's used to being alone in the house but for some reason, since the Italian left, she's never felt this alone in her own house before. She felt a buzz in the back pocket of her jeans. Her mouth curled up into a smile when she read Stefania's text and quickly snapped a picture of Jeff, attaching it to her reply:

Bella <3: Hi beautiful, thank you for letting me know. Please stay safe. Get some rest on your flight. Your baby is doing fine and is adjusting well to me being here new mommy. If you don't get your ass back soon, you'll be replaced 😉


Just before the plane took off, Stefania felt her stomach flutter as she saw the name 'bella <3' appear on her screen. She smiled at the photo she just received of Jeff and laughed and shook her head as she read Danielle's response. She felt a hint of jealousy towards both Danielle and Jeff, which she felt stupid for feeling like that.

The Italian turned her flight mode on, opened Spotify and chose a playlist to listen to. While the plane was taking off, Stefania grabbed her bag and took out her gift. She felt the excitement running through her veins with a smile plastered on her face, almost feeling like a little girl again who's opening her Christmas present.

She was met with a bunch of photos, Hershey kisses and envelopes once she'd opened the box. "Oh Danielle," she whispered to herself. She flipped through the different envelopes with the different titles on them. She found the one she was allowed to open which had 'open me on the airplane', written on it. She opened the envelope and could already feel her eyes watering, melting at the first three words of the letters

'My dearest Stefania,

Before I give you the instructions of your gift, I want to remind you: NO CHEATING! I want to apologize in advance for the messy handwriting. Now that that is out of the way..

I know you're used to traveling and you probably won't miss me and LA as much but I just wanted to make sure you have something you can turn to if you do. This box includes a few different envelopes which you're only allowed to open if the occasion arises. The occasions are written on the envelopes. Barret was with me when I made it, she wanted to be part of it too, so she wrote you a note as well. Don't believe everything she wrote though.

There is one envelope that's different from the rest. You'll realize which one that is yourself. It is a somewhat more serious letter and I only want you to read it once you're ready for it. You'll have to figure out for yourself when that is though.

The Hershey kisses are just there for fun because I love sweets and well, you're pretty sweet yourself. I put in some pictures for you to look at if you miss Jeff of your friends. I know I'll definitely miss you just a tad bit. Not as much as I would've missed Jeff if she weren't with me.As promised, I will send you updates of Jeff!

All jokes aside, please keep in touch okay? I need to know you're okay and safe from time to time. Don't hesitate to call or text if you need me. I'll always be here.

xoxo and hugs,

Danielle <3'


Stefania had tears streaming down her face, feeling overwhelmed of the thoughtfulness and care Danielle had put in this gift. It almost made her feel like she was loved by the American. In a non-romantic way, of course. 'Right?', she thought to herself.

One part of the letter puzzled the Italian. What did Danielle mean by having to read it once she's ready for it? She skimmed through the envelopes and instantly knew which envelope Danielle was talking about in her letter, reading the title 'Confessions'. Nerves kicked in as she tried to figure out what confessions Danielle had written in the letter. There was a secrete hope and wish as to what the contents of the letter contained.

Why she had that secret hope and wish was a mystery to her. She didn't feel like that herself. Or did she? The bouncing in her head got worse as she felt a headache coming up. She quickly snapped a picture of her holding the letter of instructions so she could send it to Danielle once she landed. She closed her eyes and soon drifted of to sleep, while thinking of a certain blonde.


Thank you all for reading my story. I'm still a bit uncertain about it all but your comments have been amazing and encouraging so thank you!

Hope you enjoy this chapter! <3

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