11. Payback time

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Wednesday 5th of May 2021

After having spent a few days with her family, Danielle got back home with Jeff. She made her way to the kitchen to fill up Jeff's water bowl. She loved having Jeff over but for the past few days, it made her sad as well. Everything about Jeff made her think of Stefania. It made her think of the many memories that they had made together with the three of them. It made her question what Stefania was doing now or what they would've done if Stefania was with them right now.

It had now been a week since their last facetime call and Danielle was struggling. Yes, she had the wonderful distraction from her family the past few days but even then, she wanted to call with Stefania every day. She refrained herself from calling her, wanting to give the Italian her alone time. Danielle was very aware how important traveling and alone time was for her, especially for her mental health. Danielle didn't want to disrupt that bubble and be a burden.

She opened the chat between her and Stefania and took a quick snap of of Jeff laying on the couch. Her fingers hovering over her phone, debating on what to say. She wanted to tell Stefania how much she missed her and how hot and gorgeous she looked on her most recent picture she posted. Or how she was struggling mentally, not having the Italian around. But again, she didn't want to be a burden.

Having had the girls over last week, has helped Danielle to come to terms with her feelings. Deep down she has always known that she thought of Stefania more as a best friend. It was more so that she didn't accept her feelings for Stefania. She fell hard for Stefania and was falling for her more every day. This made the blonde more nervous and somewhat embarrassed knowing she dropped hints to her feelings in one of the letters she wrote for Stefania.

What if the feelings aren't reciprocated? What if that letter and her feelings make things awkward between them? She scrolled through their messages and stopped at the selfie her friends sent Stefania. The day after girls' night, she felt anxious the whole day as Stefania had yet to reply. The anxiety evaporated once she got a text message from her with their code word and changed to her feeling worried.

A smile crept on her face as she remembered their facetime call.


"Who was that picture meant for?"

"I was waiting for that question," she answered while a slight blush appeared on her face. She continued, "I wanted to tell you but I felt embarrassed,"

"Why?", the Italian asked with a questioning look on her face. She could sense Danielle getting nervous as she started to play with her hair.

Danielle locked eyes with the hazel brown eyes on her phone, feeling the nervousness slowly fade away. "That picture wasn't meant for anyone really, but I was relieved you're the one who received it," she said without any context resulting in a confused look from Stefania.

"What do you mean? You're not making any sense Danielle," Stefania started to feel a little irritated, not understanding the situation. She did not know if she should feel flattered or offended.

"Sorry, I – I'm sorry. Jaina and Barret were over as I told you. We played truth or dare and one of my dares was to take a somewhat spicy picture so that they could send it to someone on my contact list. I didn't know who they would send it to but I'm glad it was you," she said while looking down. Suddenly feeling quite shy for having admitted thats

She looked back up and saw Stefania with a big smirk on her face. "Why do you have that smirk on your face? Make that smirk go away," she said with a blush on her face.

Stefania just laughed at Danielle, finding the whole situation quite funny and endearing right now. She felt herself relax and relieved that the photo wasn't meant for anyone in particular and that Danielle was glad that photo was sent to her.

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