3. Wrap party

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Saturday – 24th of April 2021

Once the blonde had opened the door it felt like time stopped for a minute as the brunette was enthralled by the way the blonde looks. How her dress perfectly fit and hugged all her curves. How the color of her dress matched the red lips on her face. All Stefania could say was "woah yourself", with a smile on her face and wanting to bring the blonde in for a hug. Danielle quickly dodged the hug and bend over to pet and cuddle Jeff which instantly made Stefania laugh out loud and playfully slap the blonde in front of her. "Hey, don't slap me, I just want to say hi to my best friend", Danielle said with a cheeky grin as she stood up to finally fall into Stefania's arms. The place where she felt safest. The hug was quickly interrupted when Barret entered the room and demanded a hug from Stefania, a slight hint of disappointment both hitting the woman at the loss of contact between them.

Danielle took the leash from Stefania's hand, wanting to take Jeff to the living room while slightly brushing her hand against Stefania's. Both women instantly froze at the touch which made them look into each other's eyes. Barret let go of the hug from Stefania and just stared at the two women in front of them who were basically just staring at each other. "Uhhum, are we just going to stay here staring at each other or are we going to get drunk tonight?", Barret said with a grin on her face taking Jeff to the kitchen to fill up her water and food bowl, giving the blonde and brunette some time alone.

Stefania smiled at Danielle, "you look beautiful", she said while touching the ruffles of the blonde's dress. The blonde felt shy and looked down for a second. She quickly looked back up, smiled and said, "so do you, it feels like you get more beautiful everyday. I have a surprise for you but I won't tell you until tomorrow", she said with a sudden surge of confidence trying to tease the Italian. "Stop that, thank you bambina", Stefania said as Barret was walking back towards them, interrupting the intense moment between the two. Stefania couldn't ask about the surprise that Danielle had for her, so she took Danielle's hand while walking to the car, deciding to tease the blonde back knowing what effect she has on the blonde. The blonde just smirked and was led to the passenger seat in the front where Stefania opened the door for the blonde and then walked around to the driver's seat. Barret sitting in the back just grinning from ear to ear, seeing her best friend and her 'crush' struggle to keep their eyes and hands off each other. 'Crush' Barret thought, because she knew Danielle was crushing hard, but Danielle had yet to figure that out for herself.

There was a comfortable silence in the car, some of them jamming to the songs on the radio. 20 minutes later they arrived at the party. The wrap party was smaller this year's since there were still covid restrictions that they had to follow. Therefore, the party was outside. There were stalls placed on the grass with twinkle lights hanging above them. There were two food stalls, one with hot dogs and burgers and one with different types of pancakes, waffles, and ice cream which Danielle was immediately drawn to. Danielle was the biggest sweet tooth out of the cast and always had a secret stash of something sweet with her. Even now, she had some leftover Hershey kisses from Stefania's present stashed away in her little black shoulder bag. There was a third stall with drinks and a photobooth.

The three women were greeted by the rest of their castmates, Jaina, Jason, Oak, Lachlan, Grey , Boris and Jay. Some were having conversations while some went to the dance floor. Meanwhile most of them had indulged in some drinks while Stefania just had one white wine since she was driving Danielle and herself back to the blonde's house. Danielle was having a conversation with Jaina about her plans for the hiatus. She however had trouble listening to Jaina because she was distracted by the Italian's dance moves. She moved so effortlessly, so flowy like her body and movements felt as one with the music. "Are you even paying attention to anything that I'm saying?", Jaina asked slapping Danielle on her arm. "Yes, yeah yeah, you were talking about your plans for the break", Danielle said with a shy smile. Jaina slapped the blonde again while laughing and said "just stop talking Savre before you embarrass yourself any further". At that moment the Italian locked eyes with the American, which instantly brought a smile to their faces. Stefania made her way to the blonde, swaying her hips at the same time while telling Jaina "I'm sorry, I'm gonna steal Danielle away from you". "She's all yours", Jaina said while winking at both women.

The women moved to the dance floor where they were joined by Barret and Jay. Danielle always got very chatty and daring once she's had some liquid courage which resulted in her shouting at Stefania saying "you're so beeaauutiful" while swaying her hips. All Stefania could do was smile while looking down at the blonde while a slight blush reached her cheeks. "Thank you bambina, so are you", Stefania said while reaching for her hand since Danielle was starting to lose her balance. Danielle grabbed onto both of Stefania's arm, thankful the Italian was there to catch her before she falls. The Italian got nervous since they were surrounded by their friends and the lingering look between the two of them did not go unnoticed by some. "Snap out of it Stefania!", she thought to herself while letting go of the blonde telling her "I'm going to get a drink, do you want something too?". Danielle just shook her head and continued dancing, slightly disappointed that the brunette had left her.

Stefania was soon met by Jaina while she was getting a drink from the stall. Jaina was grinning from ear to ear which made the Italian a bit wary as to why she was grinning so big. You see, Jaina has had some liquid courage as well which made her very forward. This has caused her to get into trouble from time to time but she figured she wouldn't get in trouble this time. Stefania and Danielle were close friends of her and whenever the brunette and blonde would talk about each other with her, she noticed how their faces just lit up while talking about the other. So as a great friend would do Jaina asked, "so when are you going to confess you're feelings to her?", still having a huge grin on her face. "What are you talking about?", she replied with a confused look resulting in a loud laugh from Jaina. "Oh come on, don't be coy with me. Danielle you silly", she said while trying to contain her laughter. The straightforwardness took Stefania by surprise so she just laughed and dodged the question by asking Jaina, "so when are you going to make a move on Boris?", which made the other brunette laugh and drop the question since she had some unresolved feelings of her own.

Stefania made her way back to the dance floor, taking Danielle's hand to walk her over to the photo booth. She made her way into the photo booth realizing there was only one seat. Sure, she could've squeezed to the side so Danielle could sit next to her but she, obviously, opted for the option that made them sit closest to each other. She sat down and pulled Danielle on her lap and put her arms around her waist, while resting her chin on the blonde's shoulder. Stefania was looking at Danielle through the screen which showed their reflection. Danielle smiled at Stefania, suddenly feeling shy of their closeness in the cramped space but slightly leaning back in her embrace. Instead of taking the pictures directly, they stayed in the same position for a while. Enjoying their time alone for a bit while the party was still going on. They soon realized crew members were lining up for the photo booth so Danielle pressed the screen so they could take their three photos together. They both made a silly face with Danielle sticking her tongue out to the side, which was a classic move for her. Stefania holding up a peace sign which was also typical for her. They then smiled at the camera while looking at each other on the screen. "You're beautiful," Danielle said, being in awe by Stefania's smile. Stefania showed her gratitude by planting a kiss on the blonde's temple making her look down and smile which resulted in their third picture.

A few hours had passed and it was past midnight now. The dance floor was less busy, the stalls had closed and the volume of the music was put lower. Stefania and Danielle were both sitting around the table with Barret, Jaina and Jay. As Danielle was yawning, Stefania put her hand on Danielle's upper arm. A warm feeling arose in the blonde's stomach making her look up at the beautiful brunette in front of her. Stefania leaned over to the Danielle's ear which made the blonde shake since she could feel the warm breath of the brunette. "You seem tired, do you wanna head back to your place? We need to walk Jeff before going to bed.", Stefania asked while leaning back so she could look into her eyes. Danielle just nodded, stood up and gave everyone a goodbye hug. Stefania following her actions while they headed to the car. Danielle had sobered up a bit which meant she was only tipsy. She still felt the need to hold on the woman next to her by interlocking their arms, which to no one's surprise she enjoyed quite a bit. The brunette felt the need to hold the blonde tighter since she was still stumbling so she decided to put her arm around the blonde's waist. Once in the car, there was a comfortable silence that was broken when they arrived at the house. Stefania unbuckled her seatbelt and looked up at the blonde, "I'm happy we get to spend some time together before I leave", she said with a sad smile. "Me too,", the blonde said with a shy smile on their face as they were walking into her house.

Authors note

Hope your week is filled with positivity! If you do ever need to talk, my dm's are always open.

I'm quite busy this week with a few job interviews coming up which I need to prepare for so might not update for a few days.


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