Chapter: 31

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"Sing something"


I'm still surprised and don't know how to react "I dont know what to sing"

"Anything! Sing I will always love you by Whitney Houstin!"

"Love me harder by Ariana grande!"

"Heart attack!"

"Woah woah hey hey!" Austin yelled over everyone's voice "I think Leslie just realized she could sing.. Let her process it."

"Thanks" I sit down

"But how come you never told me!!" Austin claimed

"Really!" I threw my hand in the air "I just want to figure out how this happened.."

"I don't know but it was amazing." Shawn said giving me a congratulations hug

"Thank you I guess." This is not my voice.. 2 months ago I couldn't sing.

I know everyone can sing but only a few sing well but I literally couldn't sing. It sounded like an old man, that smoked his whole life, was coughing. It was literally that bad.

"You should open up for me next time. How does that sound?" Austin asked excitedly

I open my mouth to deny his offer but Mrs. hastoalwaysbuttin well.. butted in "Are you serous? She doesn't have what it takes! Look at her! They come to see you and us and shawn and the vamps not her! She should stay in the back, she's good at it!"

Never mind "Austin I will take you up on your offer. Help me pick a song?" I grab him by his hand and take him to his dressing room.

"Well.." He says awkwardly

"Sorry I had to find an excuse to get out of there before things got ugly."

"Oh come on Leslie you would never hurt a fly." He laughs joking around but it actually hurt a bit.

Do I look or act that vulnerable? Or worse.. am I? Who am I kidding of course I am. I never stick up for myself and am scared to take a chance. Will thats about to change.



"I'm taking your offer. I want to open up for you." I smile

"Thats great! I'll tell Rocco! For the mean time, lets find you a song!"

"What about this song?" I show Austin my phone

"Nah, Its your first real big performance, lets get a stronger song than that"

I look at him wide-eyed. "This is stay with me by Sam smith. Thats pretty hard.."

"Hearing your voice, you can take on a higher leveled song." He kept scrolling through his computer looking for a song

"Austin you've heard me sing twice. I dont even know what my voice is capable of."

"Look" He sets his laptop aside "I only needed to hear it once to know how much potential you have. Your like the next Beyoncé" I laugh in his face

"Okay let's start with being the next Leslie. How about that." He laughs

"Ooh how about tattooed heart by Ariana Grande?" Austin suggests

"I like it. How'd you come up with it?"

"Because you have a Beauty mark on your chest the shape of a heart." he points at my shirt.

I look down and noticed it is showing. Its not that low to call him a perv or anything. It is pretty noticeable, but I really do like that song.

"Haha okay I'll do that song. But hey, eyes are up here." I point at my eyes

Austin gets up and winks then slowly leaves the room leaving me to practice the song.

10 minutes later he walks in with Alex and Robert. They set a camera up in the corner and pull me towards that spot "What are you doing?"

"We are going to record you so you can hear yourself for the show." Alex says turning the camera on

"I haven't even practiced enough yet!"

"Well then you really need this."

We spend the rest of the night practicing over and over until i thought I had it right.

*Day of the performance*

Austin let me stay in his dressing room until it was my turn. I'm freaking out at this point. I'm practicing in the mirror until I hear hushed yelling. I put my ear against the door and recognized the voices. Camila and Austin.

"Are you kidding me?" Camila said chuckling "Your going to let her go out there? People don't come to see her!"

"Calm down! Everyone deserves an opportunity!"

"Wait.. do you like her or something? Because lately you've been defending her and it seems like you guys are a little too comfortable with each other and I don't like that" Where is she getting all this from?

"Camila you know how I feel about you. I care for you, she's just a friend that I want to help out." Well that broke my heart a little. Guess I'm just his 'friend'. But what did I expect from him anyways?

I lean off the door and sit down. I don't move until they tell me its my turn about 12 min later. "C'mon Leslie. It's your turn!"

I nod and walk toward the stage to an Austin introducing me in. "So as many of you guys know one of my dancers can sing. Well today we have a special performance from her! I present to you my special friend.. LESLIE SANTIAGO!"

At this point I block out all the cheering fans, the butterflies in my stomach burn into ashes due to the anger I feel right now. Special friend? I feel like I'm getting mixed signals and I hate being confused like this. I probably was thinking too hard for too long because Austin comes and takes my hand to bring me on stage.

I snatch my hand out of his and he looks at me confused. I take the mic and brush him off. The song comes up and I sing and dance just like I practiced but with more passion into it.

Soon enough Im done performing and the crowd loveeeed it. It made me really happy. "Thank you everyone!" I run off to back stage where I'm congratulated by everyone.

"Okay you had your what? 3 minute and 40 seconds of fame now go back to being a back up dancer would you?" Camila rolls her eyes.

I'm really getting tired of her. "Are you just mad you didn't have what it takes to be a solo artist while I'm out there performing while the crowd cheers my name begging for more?" Now I'm practically in her face with a smirk waiting for her response

Her face was pale and bland. She opens her mouth to defend herself but I stop her "Honey just stop it before you embarrass yourself even more." I grab a water bottle and walk away. Boy did that feel good.

Guys if the video doesn't work for whatever reason.. Go on YouTube and check out Bryana Salaz's cover of tattooed heart by Ariana Grande. Its amazing 💓🙌 and lets pretend its Leslie just for a little.

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