Chapter 18: How do you feel about it?

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His lips were amazing. Soft and moist.

I felt his hands fall onto my waist to pull me in closer, deepening the kiss. My eyes were closed but i could still see flashes through my eyelids indicating people were either taking pictures or video. I obviously did not care one bit.

"Theres people everywhere. I suggest you go home and do what you want but not here!" I hear Austins stern voice interupt us. Shawn looks at him then at me and grabs my hand. Interlocking our fingers together. We all leave knowing any minute now fans were going to crowd around the restaurant and we didn't want to create a bigger scene than we just did.

We all just went home and went to bed. Before Shawn left he said good-bye accompanied with a kiss on the cheek.

He's so sweet but im honestly not too sure about my feelings towards him. I mean i like him but there's something that doesn't let me give back as much as he is.


I ended up cooking for everyone. Since I was in a good mood i just cooked something my mom taught me to do. Fried plantanes with rice and chicken in cream. Also some tortillas but that was just for me. Yes I'm hispanic and very proud of it.

All the boys were in Austins studio messing around while Robert helped me cook. He wasn't much help at all considering he almost burnt the rice, but he was fun company.

"I didnt expect that tonight would end like that.."

I look at him confused "What do you mean?"

"At the pizza parlor. You know exactly what im talking about." He turned to face me

"Oh. Well i didnt either.." I didn't look at him I just started to chop up peppers for the chicken.

"So how do you feel about that happening?"

I pause then continue to cut the rest of green peppers. "What do you mean?"

"Uhh i dont know. Are you glad it happened?" He says a bit akwardly. It felt like he really didn't want to ask me.

"Shawns a good guy and he's sweet and nice."

"Thats not answering my question..." He states a bit slow indicating he's getting annoyed.

"Hey can you check on the plantanes?"

"Stop beating around the bush and answer me!" I was a bit puzzled by him rasing his voice.

"Robert! Why are you yelling at me! Plus thats my business! Now check the damm plantanes!!" He looked at me a bit surprised. I almost never ever yell. When I do then you know im extremely mad or annoyed. Or just getting there.

I honestly didn't want to talk about it because like I said I wasn't too sure of my feelings.

Soon enough i finished cooking and we all sat around the table. Stuffing our faces.

"This is soo good" Zach said with a full mouth.

"Well thanks" I grab a piece of tortilla and use it to scoop up a piece of chicken along with the cream it was combined with.

"Ever heard of a Fork Leslie?" We all laugh

"Ever heard of a tortilla being a fork for Guatemalans." I say laughing yet with a serious tone to it.

Robert looked a bit confused. "no?"

"Well now you have." We all laugh and continue to eat.

"So.. are you and Shawn like a.. thing or something?" Alex didnt look up. He kept eating making it look nonchalant.

"I dont know to be honest. Its not like we ever get a chance to talk or anything." I answer plainly

"If he asked you to be his girlfriend.. would you accept?"

"I don't know" I smile looking at my plate

Austin gets up and starts to walk away. "Where you going bro?" Asked Robert

"To my room i have to do something" He turns on his heels back to the table.
"I'm taking this with me though" He picks up his plate and walks out the dining room.

We all laugh then focus back to our plates. But why would Alex ask me that? Does he know something I dont..?

Heyy Beauties! OMG SHAWNS NEW SINGLE 🎼'A Little Too Much' came out like two days ago and its.. AMEEZING!
And Fifth Harmony's new album 'Reflection' came out earlier this week too 😍😍😦🎶 AAH! This week has been ameezing 👏
Not to mention that Austin and Becky may be making a song together!!✏️🙏🙌💃🎤
Anyways.. If anyone wants me to add one of your ideas to the story let me know any time! A little help never hurt anyone👌

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