Chapter 11: Dancer?

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Alex jumps up and practically falls off the bed. I just laugh and get up. I walk past the boys leaving Alex to answer any questions.

I go to my room to grab my towel and my iPod speakers. I walk into the bathroom and i turn on my ipod. The song 'Break Free' by Ariana Grande comes on and i hop in the warm shower.

Ive always enjoyed showers. Something about the way the warm water hit my skin that soothes me. I start to sing along with the song. When it finished i hopped out the shower and wrapped the towel around my wet body. I walk out the bathroom and into my room.

Austin mentioned something about taking me to the dance studio today so i dress up with pair or shorts, loose crop top, red converse and i put my long brown hair into a ponytail. I put on light make up which is just mascara and lipgloss. When I'm done i walk downstairs and the guys are waiting for me. I grab a banana and follow them to the car.

"Soo. What was that all about this morning?" Zach asks

"What about it?"

"Oh come on you know what I'm getting at. Is there something going on cause its the second time i've caught you two cuddling." Zach says laughing

"He was comforting me." I said looking out the window.

"Yea thats what you said last time. I dont think thats gonna work again."

"Well i was scared of the storm okay?!.." I said starting to get ticked off

"Okay calm down i was just wondering"

We get to the studio and no ones there yet so the boys wait outside. I walk in and the studio is huge. I walk over to the sound booth and put on "Replay" by Zendaya since it was on the recent playlist. Then I walk out to the middle of the dance floor.

I used to go to dance class so i can dance a bit. I just go along with the song, moving every inch of my body along with the beat.

I guess i got so lost into the music that i didn't realize everyone was at the door standing there with their eyes wide open.

The song finished and i look up out of breathe and just stand their paralyzed. I was so embarrassed I probably made a fool out of myself..

"Yoooo..." one of the dancers (jester) said slowly

"I know..." Robert said even slower

"Im sorry i was just fooling around.." I said walking over to the sound booth turning off the stereos.

" No that was really good.. You a pro?" Jester asked

"Oh no of course not" I said looking at him crazily

"Well it seems like it. You got talent Santiago." Zach said walking to me giving me a fist pump

"Oh well thanks Dorsey. Umm let me get out of your way so you guys can practice"

"Actually we could use a little help putting everything together. Mind giving us a hand?" Jester asked looking at me then at Austin

"I don't know if thats a good idea. Your not going to try and girl it up right?" Austin says chuckling.

"Seeing how you've danced in concerts.. I think it would be an improvement" I said looking at Austin up and down laughing

"Oh i see how it is. Lets see what you got Santiago."

We spent the whole day dancing and fooling around at the dance studio. Rocco came toward the end to watch the 'progress' Austin was supposed to have gotten done today. But to be honest there wasn't any done

"So you guys haven't gotten anything done?" Rocco says a bit ticked

"Umm actually we have... Leslie show him.." Austin says nervously

I just look at him trying to figure out what i was supposed to do. I just went along with it to save his ass. Robert puts on 'What About Love' and i just go with it trying to make every move look planned out.

When the songs over i look over to Rocco.

"Impressive. I didn't know you could dance Leslie?"

"Just a bit"

"So your going to help out with the Choreography for the music video?"

I just nod going along with it

"Seems like a pretty good idea. Do you think you can teach it to them by Friday for the music video?"

"Um sure.. I guess i can" I said surprised.

"Great. See you guys Friday." With that he walks out.

"What was that about?!" I yell to Austin

"Sorry but it turned out well! It looks like you and me will be spending a lot of time together now huh?" He winks at me and i just playfully shove his shoulder. Its going to be a long week

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