Chapter 6: Winner? -And so everything begins

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He leaned in and closed his eyes. I just stood there not knowing how to react so i just let what ever was going to happen to.. well happen.

He leaned in even closer and to my surprise he kissed me.

Kissed me on my cheek. Gosh i feel so stupid.. Why would I even think a guy like him would like a girl like me. Let alone a stranger. We've only met once in the hospital but i highly doubt he remembers me.

"Smile!" Said the photographer

I tried to make my smile seem legit but i felt it grow weak.

The flash blinded me for a second and when i recovered my vision I got out of Austins grip, thanked him, then walked away. More like jogged away.. i had the word Embarrassment and Dumbass written across my face and i didnt want him to see it.


And then she walked away. She seemed so familiar but i couldn't put my finger on where i've seen her before. I couldn't really think about it anyways, there was still a long line of mahomies waiting to meet me.

I kept an open eye for the girl i was going to choose to spend a week with, but none of them catched my eye like HER. I hope she stays until i make the announcement. I want to choose her. I hope I'm making the right choice.


I finally found Casey, she was with a group of girls and i've just been standing here begging for us to leave already for the past 20 minutes.

"Remind me again why your making me stay?"

"For the billionth time! Austin has a big announcement to make, and asked everyone to stay. Just please wait five more m- AAAAHHHHHHHH!" Casey was interrupted by Austin walking out onto the stage.

"Wassup guys! How ya'll doing today?" Austin tried saying over all the screaming.

I was going to cheer too but i turned around as soon as someone tapped me on my shoulder.

"Excuse me miss?"

"Oh my gosh your Alex Constancio?!" i said squealing. I must confess i did have a crush on him too.

"Haha yea i'm pretty sure your right. Mind coming with me for a minute?"

"Of course not!" with that he grabbed my hand and pulled me through the crowd of screaming mahomies. I couldn't understand anything Austin said after that.

We walked through a pair of big black doors and i made my way into what seemed to be backstage. Alex took me to where we had a view of austin on stage. I was going to ask him why i was there but he pushed me onto stage and Austin turned and looked at me.

He walked up to me and grabbed my hand, pulling me to the center of the stage where everyone could see me.

"I present to you the girl that I've chosen to spend a whole month with me! Lets give it up for the winner everyone! Wooh!"

The crowd goes wild and im just standing there lost out of my mind.. A week? He picked me? Why? What if he doesnt like me? Will i get to go? ...!?



And thats where everything started.

The Drama.

Heart Breaks.




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