Chapter 18

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*Noahs POV*

I woke up not as hungover as I'd expected to be and get up to do my duties by waking up the Gallagher for breakfast. We headed into town into a small cozy cafe where we ordered coffees and pastries and began to eat in a peaceful silence I don't think either of us wanted to break, I had lots on my mind and I was sure he did too, My mind was going at a million miles an hour thinking of all the things we had said and done, was I straight? Was I gay? Was HE gay? Did he mean what he said when he kissed me?

I decided to be the one to break the silence and finally ask quietly. "Did you mean it?". He looks up at me confused, "mean what?" He says, "any of it, all the things you've been saying last two weeks". He stared at me confused for a moment until i saw him inhale deeply, he tells me, "Noah of course I fucking meant them I never wanted it to come out this way but it's so weird like I feel all happy whenever you talk to me like a stupid teenage girl" he says tears starting to form "I know you're probably weirded out but how do you think I feel? Like I'm trapped in some sort of teenage romcom in love with someone who'll never even think of you like th-" he wipes his eyes quickly "yknow what nevermind forget I said all that". He refuses to make eye contact "Gene" I say softly fighting back the stinging feeling in the back if my throat. "I know exactly what you mean" he looks up, glassy eyes meeting mine he looks confused but relieved to hear it, "you do?" He says carefully "yes, I do" and with that response comes a great big Cheshire Cat grin from the boy across from me.

We pay and head out with a lot less tension than we went in with, nonchalantly linking arms as we walk. We get back to my house and turn on the tv and lay on the bed, bodies intertwined with his head subsequently on my chest giving me Deja vu to when his now ex girlfriend broke up with him. Who would've thought right? I press a kiss to the top of his head and I start to fall asleep. I wake up so,w time later with a "are you still watching?" Notification on my tv and no Gene in my arms I get up to make myself something to eat when I hear my name being called from the living room, never a good sign. I sulk my way downstairs and make my presence known. "Yes?" Quickly greeted with "are you gay?" Sounding more like an accusation rather than a question, "no? What makes you think-" I'm cut off when they pull out an article on me and Gene

"Liam Gallaghers son in relationship with unknown boy"

"you seriously believe that? Fucking journos man they write anything I swear!" I say, panic must be evident in my voice
"I told you no son of mine would be a homosexual" my dad announced
"Dad I'm not!" I say raising my voice
"Tone tells all, leave" my dad says not giving me a chance to explain
"W- what?" Comes my shaky reply
"You heard. Get out of this house

I stood astounded not believing my ears. I run upstairs and grab a bag and pack it full of clothes, my keys, wallet and charger before running downstairs. "Fine if you want me to go I'll fucking go but remember I'm your only son and this is the last of me you'll ever fucking see!" I yell tears forming in the corners of my eyes, I leave the house as fast as possible before texting Gene asking if I can stay the night

"Ofc what's up?"
"What isn't"
"Uh oh"
"Yeah uh fuckn oh"

I greet Gene at his back door and just sigh, "that's never a good sign" he says trying to lighten the mood, I smile half heartedly and just nod. "Cmon let's just go to bed we'll talk in the morning" i give him a silent grateful look and head upstairs with him to his room, we get into bed and he kisses me before laying down and drifting off peacefully, despite having slept loads earlier I soon follow.

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